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Chloe wriggled in her sleep. She yawned and blinked several times before opening her eyes. It took a moment for her brain to shed away remnants of sleep and once she was awake, she felt his hot breaths fanning her neck and saw, his arms protectively wrapped around her. Slowly, she turned and found him sleeping peacefully. She gently removed few hair from his forehead and placed a soft kiss at the same spot, right above his scar.

She smiled and tried to get up but felt him tightening his hold. She turned and found his eyes closed. She tried to move again but to no avail.

"Quit moving." She heard him speak in his deep and husky morning voice.

"You're up early." She replied, laying  down. He breathed her in, slowly opening his eyes. 

Ever since Chloe got approval of her parents, Sam and Chloe moved in together in his–now their house, where they met for the very first time. Chloe returned to her job while Sam and Markus started working as personal trainers.

"Happy birthday, baby." He said, placing a kiss on her neck. "Is it my birthday that woke you up so early ?" She joked. He smiled and rolled over her, "Perhaps." He replied, pecking her lips. She chuckled. His eyes darted to the clock, placed at the nightstand beside their bed. 6:00 a.m. It said. Sam rolled off her and stood up on his feet. Having an idea that he was upto something, she asked, "What are you upto ?" Instead of answering her, he strolled out, downstairs, into the living room

"Are we expecting someone ?" She questioned, following him.

"Uhmm." He hummed, Her brows knitted in confusion.

"Who ?"

"It's not someone...but something and a surprise for you." He answered her walking by the door.

"A surprise." She whispered. Her eyes gleamed with the newly found excitement and lips twitched up. She was about to question him further when the door bell rang.

"And it's here." Sam said, immediately opening the door.

"Your parcel, sir." A young boy said. Sam grabbed the parcel and shut the door. Meanwhile, Chloe was standing there, oblivious. Sam chuckled looking at her perplexed expression.

"Here, baby." She took the parcel from his hand, then, they seated down on the sofa and Chloe began to unbox her present. Once she removed the shining gift wrap and opened the box, she was left in awe.

"Wow..." She whispered, gently lifting the beautiful black and white off shoulder, full sleeved, knee length gown.

"As much as I love to see you wearing my shirts...." He said, his eyes roamed up and down her figure, covered in his black shirt that stopped just above her knees. "...I really want you to wear this on our date." Her head shot up.

"A date ?"


"When did you plan everything ?" Her smile seemingly widened.

"Just did. Now, go freshen up. I'll prepare us breakfast." She gave him a zealous nod and rushed back to their bedroom.

After taking a quick shower and changing into the beautiful dress Sam had bought her. She completed her look with a nude make up.

"You look good, Chloe." She mumbled to herself and twirled infront of the mirror when she saw Sam leaning against the wall by the door, looking at her with sheer adoration.

It was almost a year they had been living together and yet she couldn't figure out what about his look makes her feel so different.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered.

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