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Both the men had strong built and scraggly beard with black and brown hairs respectively.

The man with brown hair held her firmly by her waist and covered her mouth at the same time. Meanwhile, the other man watched over the place. She wriggled in his hold and tried to kick him but to no avail. Soon they entered a derelict building, that opened on the other side of the street. They carried her to an alleyway and threw her at piled up empty sacs of grain. She grunted in pain from the harsh contact. Fear tormented her and her heart hammered in her chest. She quickly recovered herself and crouched down by the bin. She wanted to yell but she was mute with horror.

"Are you scared, little girl ?" The brown haired man mocked, with a smirk, spiking her fear. "Just a little fun, I promise." The other one added and tried to near her. She crouched back, her watery eyes fluttered here and there while her hands searched for something she could defend herself with and just when the man was about to touch her, she found a brick behind her. She gripped it and smashed it onto the man's head.

"Fu**" The man cursed loudly as his hand reached to cover his bleeding head and within seconds, he fell on the ground with a loud thud. "You little bitch..." The brown haired man yelled and lurched out for her. He grabbed her by her hair and slapped her right across her face. She fell down from the impact and corner of her lips began to bleed. "I'll show you the consequences of your act." He said, gritting his teeth. Chloe crouched back and tried to stand up but she couldn't it was as if her legs were paralyzed. Her head dropped down, as she tried to stand up again.

Hands of the man had reached to unbutton his shirt but before he could do so his head was roughly slammed against the wall and he immediately fell down, half dead. Shocked, Chloe looked up, and at once more tears began to run down her bruised cheeks.

Sam kneeled down infront of her and without hesitating for a minute, she snuggled against his neck. Her arms squeezed him tightly as she let out all her tears, her lips quivered as hot breaths exited her mouth and fanned his neck. His jaws were tensed and eyes were burning with the fires of hell. He glared at the fallen men ahead and in next moment, wrapped his arms securely around her.

Upon being embraced by him, subconsciously, Chloe hugged him all the tighter. She cried and cried until she drifted off into the oblivion. He slowly placed his arms under her legs and lifted both of them off the ground and carried her to the car, where Markus had the man, their informant, pinned against the car.

It was only when he saw Sam approaching, he loosened his hold around. The man choked onto his own saliva before pulling himself together.

Their eyes travelled to Chloe. The man wore a confused expression while Markus had "concerned" written across his face.

"Wh..wha...what happened to her ?" Markus asked. Disregarding his words, Sam glared at the man, "This time I am letting you go. Don't ever show me your fu**ing face again." Without saying another word, the man left.

"...The hell has happened ?" Markus asked again.

"She broke a moth**fu**er's fu**ing face." Sam spoke emphasising on each word and, for the first time, looking at her with admiration in his eyes.

"I returned and saw a broken fu**ing window with no clue where you both have gone and punched that man in his guts, suspecting that he was behind all this but you let him go and now all you tell me is that she broke a moth**fu**er's fu**ing face." Markus exasperated.

"Let's get going, I'll tell you everything on the way." Sam stated. Markus nodded. Unlocking the car he sat down on the driving seat. Sam gently laid her down on the back seat when his eyes fell on the radio. He grabbed it and after giving her one last glance, he glided over to the passenger seat.

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