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Under the bright sunrays, Chloe was sitting inside the car, her shirt had begun to cling to her back in places and her loose hair lay like second skin over her cheeks, but all that did not seem to bother her as her gaze was held by all the passing men, giving her either wierd looks or glares. Her thoughts were so distorted. If you were to touch her from behind she would react as if you were attacking her. It was adrenaline pumping through her body, making her strong enough to sit there without passing out. Where did he go ? She thought. She turned her attention to the building, and saw him walking out. She visibly relaxed. Her eyes travelled to the man next to him and within seconds, they widened.

Forgetting her fear, she stepped out.

With each step, Markus was applying equal pressure on the hand of Sam.
Sam looked up. Anger boiled inside him on watching her standing outside.

"I told you to stay inside. You don't get the simple things. Do you ?" He rebuked, once they neared the car.

"I was inside, it was only when I saw you coming out–" She turned to Markus, wearing a puzzled expression."–I came out." Sensing her confusion, Markus uttered, "Forgot me so soon ?" There was a hint of playfulness in his voice. Sam sighed. "Are you–are you–the man from the last night ?" She asked. He smiled, confirming her words, "Yeah."

"What happened to you ?" Innocently, she asked. Her eyes showed the kind of gentleness, that could easily sooth one's soul.

"Enough, now get back in the car." Sam interjected.

"A**hole" Markus muttered, loud enough for them to hear. Her brows furrowed in an adorable frown, as she turned and immediately got back in.

"You too." Annoyed, Sam said to Markus. Markus rolled his eyes and plummeted on the back seat.

As Sam was driving them back, Chloe had her head resting against the window, such that her face was visible in the side view. For a minute, Sam turned and beheld the gloominess in her iridescent blues before redirecting his attention back on the road. A Distraction. He heard a voice in his head say.

"So, what's your name ?" Markus asked Chloe. 

"Chloe" Softly, she replied, turning around.

"Are you from around here ?"

"No–I am from Texas." Sam turned, their eyes met, she squirmed just a little, and looked away, trying to hide her colour infused cheeks. There is something about his gaze, she'll never find in another man. Markus witnessed their short eye contact, his lips curved up. The way his teeth were perfectly aligned. The way his eyes shone; it felt as if he was conveying a very interesting thought from his expressions.

Shortly, car came to halt infront of the house, surrounded by the dark forest all around. They got out of the car and walked inside.

"You must be hungry." She said to Markus.

"Famished." He replied.

"I'll cook you my mom's special soup.  You'll definitely love it." She smiled. Giving one last glance to Sam, she strolled towards the kitchen.

Sam helped Markus walk into another room, adjacent to his. The room was neat. The only light came from the slit between the sagging curtains at the window. They crept closer to the bed, with a sigh their shoulders relaxed and they slumped down.

"What a fucking day." Markus muttered.

"So what do you think of her now ?" He asked Sam.

"I don't know."

"You still have a freakin' doubt." Astonished, Markus uttered. He exhaled a deep breath."Pal, you know what, she ain't lying."Sam looked up, and caught his eye."Bro, I have been raised by these mobs and gangsters and there's one thing I can say with utmost certainty. Women, belonging to this world can pretend to be innocent, but if you are smart enough you'll see it in their eyes, they will always betray them. They can never master the softness and gentleness, I can see in her eyes." Markus put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "That night, she helped you, you say she did it to keep her mask safe but still, they tried to hurt her. When you asked about them, she didn't tell you anything you wanted to hear but what she said, she said it confidentially. Not to forget, there was gun aimed at her head. Fucking mafia pee their pants." Sam sighed and lay back. He pounded his head up and down again and again, trying to dislodge his pessimistic thoughts.

Soon after, Chloe knocked at the door, balancing the tray in her hand. Nervously, she sucked in a deep breath and muttered, "Hey, it's ready."

"Just come in already." Fervently, Markus uttered from the other side. She pushed the door wide. She wasn't least surprised to see the darkness in the room.

"Here" She placed the classic brown tray on the nightstand and handed one bowl to him. When she forwarded another to Sam, he denied and left. A look of dejection that crossed her features did not go unnoticed by Markus.

"Smells delicious." He said, trying to divert her mind. "What's this green thing ?" He asked, pointing at the broccoli, floating in a thick broth along with chunks of chicken, mushrooms and colourful vegetables.

"It's Broccoli" She laughed.

"This soup is fucking delicious." She cringed.

"Can you not curse—so much ?" She requested, "Well, can't promise but can try." He smiled. She smiled in return and sat down next to him.

"So, what is the dream job that brought you here ?" He asked, taking another sip.

"I am an accountant in The Kingsley Corps. and no, it isn't my dream job."

"Then ?"

"I am trying to accumulate some funds to start my own cafe." Her eyes got a dreamy look, not the romantic heart type, but different, the one that people get when talking about something they love doing.

"Not bad" Markus spoke. She smiled again.

"You both are pretty close." She said. Markus turned. "I mean–he was really worried, I could see it in his eyes." He smiled.

"Sam and I have a bond stronger than real brothers." The way he said that, they were more than just some words, one could hear it in his voice; his trust on him. No one could ignore it but the moment, she heard his name, her mind stopped processing all other information and focused on it. Sam, such a cute name, but his behaviour is just the opposite. She thought to herself. It was only after few minutes had passed her mind reminded her of the remaining part of his sentence.

"It's visible." She uttered. "I think you should take some rest now." He nodded and she stood up. "I hope you aren't lying to us." Markus said. "I am not." was her reply, before she exited the room.

Markus laid down on the bed.

"What a fu–dging day."


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