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"We're here." Chloe smiled, looking at her home ahead. "Come on, let's get inside." Excited, she said to Sam and Markus while unlocking the door of the car. Contrary to her excitement, Sam and Markus seemed nervous.

"Chloe, you think it's a good idea ?" Markus asked. Chloe sighed.

"They don't hate you guys. Okay ?"

"Don't exactly love us." Markus muttered.

"Even if they do, we don't blame them." Simultaneously, Sam said. For a brief moment, no one said anything and Chloe was just staring at them.

"Get outside, both of you." She ordered. They exhaled a deep breath and did as she said.

It was a pretty hot day, sun shone brightly in the sky and yet somehow it was very calming for Chloe or perhaps it was the joy of returning back to the familiar surroundings.

"Now follow me." Sam and Markus exchanged a look, nevertheless they followed her. Chloe pressed the bell. As they waited for someone to open the door. Sam and Markus gazed at the beautiful little garden, flanked with rows of colourful flowers, protected by white fence all around.

"Baby...." Natalie's soft voice caught their attention, as the door opened.

"Hey are you doing ?" Chloe asked, pulling her in a hug.

"I am doing just fine." She replied, while her eyes assessed Sam and Markus.

"Good to see you again, Mrs.Moretz." Sam said. She gave him a nod.

"Let's get inside." She smiled at Chloe. Chloe gave a look of reassurance to both the men and strolled inside, followed by them.

"Who is it, Nat ?" They heard familiar voice of Steven, as he was walking down the stairs.

"It's.." She trailed off but was cut off by enthused voice of Chloe.

"Dad..." She said and rushed to hug him.

"Slow down, princess." He chuckled, balancing himself on his feet.

"How are you ?" He asked, cupping her face. "I am fine." They smiled. He lifted his gaze and saw Sam and Markus, having no clue of their next move.

Observing the tension in the air, Chloe glanced at her mother, who seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"You're on time, we were about to have lunch, freshen up." Natalie said. "Chloe will show you both the rooms." 

"Yeah...yeah of course." Chloe replied. Placing a soft kiss on Steven's cheeks, she gestured both of them to follow her upstairs.

Once they were inside her room. Markus immediately plummeted down on the bed while Sam hugged Chloe from the back.

"For God's sake, why am I feeling nervous ?" Chloe laughed.

"It's actually fun to see you both nervous." She tilted her head slightly and stared at Sam, who, in return, pecked her lips. She smiled.

"Yeah right. Well, carry on, I'll stay in the bathroom." Markus remarked and walked to the bathroom. Sam rolled his eyes while Chloe turned in his hold, and placed her palms on his cheeks.

"Mom and dad know about us. They're a little scared. That's all."

"I know." Sam exhaled. "None of it is their fault." He added.

"Everything's going to be just fine." She said, placing her lips on his. Sam held her tightly as they kissed each other passionately. It was as if in their kiss, they felt belonged, at home.

"Trust me, okay." She whispered, pulling away. He placed his head against her's and they stayed like that until Markus' voice boomed inside the room.

"Well...I'd really like popcorn right now." He smirked. Upon hearing his voice, Chloe turned crimson and hid her face in Sam's arms. Markus laughed.

"Shut up." Sam shrugged. Walking past him, Markus responded by his middle finger and took a glimpse of the walls, filled with quotes.

"Tough times never last, but tough people do. Robert. H. Schuller." He read one of the posters gaining Chloe's attention.

"I feel praised." He said, turning around. Chloe chuckled. "Well, we should now freshen up too." She said to Sam. He gave her a nod.

Once they were done, they walked down and settled down around the dining table. There was no sound in the room, no one spoke to no one. Even though there were a lot of things to be clarified but no one knew where to begin with.

" favourite. You're great mom." Chloe enthused, breaking the silence. Natalie and Steven smiled. She dished her plate, then served Sam and passed the bowl to Markus.

"It's amazing, Mrs.Moretz." Markus said. Natalie gave him a small smile. Everyone was eating their food when Chloe noticed Sam fidgeting with his spoon. She looked up at him and placed her hand over his lap. He turned and gave her a small smile, then, shifted his gaze to Steven.


"Chloe is.." Sam and Steven worded out at the same time. 

"After you." With respect, Sam said.

"I want to hear you out first." Sam gave him a nod.

"Mr.Moretz, I understand your situation. I know, my first impression wasn't how you might have expected. No parent would ever want their daughter to be involved with the type of man I....I was. You all were in danger cause of me." His glance darted between the couple.

"But I assure you, I will always keep her safe. Never again she will be in danger cause of who I was. None of you will be. You have my word." Words flew out at ease from his mouth, they could behold the sincerity of his words in his eyes. Steven could feel it, more than anyone in the room, he realised, how true love can change a person but that did not change the fact that he was scared. Natalie squeezed his hand and smiled shortly.

"Chloe is our happiness. If she's happy with you. We are happy. Just keep our princess safe." He turned to Chloe, whose eyes were glistening with tears, "I don't want to be a villain in my babygirl's love story." Almost immediately she stood up from her seat and embraced her parents from behind.

"I will." Sam assured him. He looked over at Markus, who gave him a proud smile.

Chloe wiped away her tears and stood straight.

"So we are all good ?" Smiling widely, she asked.

"Yeah.." All of them replied.

"Great. The beautiful moment calls for a picture. Just wait." She said and sprinted upstairs to her room.

"Slow down." Natalie yelled, but she knew she wasn't heard. Sam couldn't help but smile at her adorableness.

Few minutes later, she returned with a tripod in her hand. She placed it in the centre of the room and placed her phone inside the holder.

"Alright people, can we come a little close." She said gesturing Sam and Markus to stand next to Steven and Natalie respectively. After setting timer for ten seconds, she hurried and stood in the middle of everyone.

"5...4...3...2...say cheese."


Hey lovely people.
I hope you're all doing good.
I hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter.
But I am still not done.
Stay safe and enjoy.

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