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it was an early friday morning. you stayed up until 2 last night because of homework and now it's 9. only 5 hours of sleep, but lucky you only had one morning class around 11 and one class in the afternoon today so it all worked out for you.

that is until your beauty sleep was soon interrupted by a dimwit who stormed into your dorm, your roommate nobara.

"WAKE UP LAZY BONES IT'S TIME TO GET UP" she opens the door and yelled probably loud enough to wake up everyone on your floor.

you groaned awake tired as hell "nobara, be quiet and let me sleep it's too early.."

"it's literally 9:30 in the morning that is not early. wake up!! i want to go eat at that new shop that opened downtown today and you're coming with me."

"can't that wait? i'm really tired."

"no, c'mon! you are coming."

nobara literally dragged you out of bed, by this time your brain as already woken up and once you wake up, you're up no going back to sleep so there was no other choice here.

"fine fine i'm up."

"why do you look drugged out?"

"is that supposed to be a compliment?" you raised an eyebrow

"if you consider that one yeah."


" well moving on, you better not take forever to change like last time."

"nobara talk about yourself you take wayy longer than me."


"whatever get out." she starts to leave, but eyes you on the way out as a sign of 'don't take too long or else'.

you just roll your eyes at her and shut the door locking it. the two of you go way back until middle school of eight grade when she moved to the town. the story on how you both became friends is actually interesting but that will take forever to tell. let's just say enemies to friends.

anyways, slowly and tiredly you went over to your closet and pick out something comfortable since it was still morning and you weren't in the mood to dress up. so you threw on a hoodie, sweats, fixed up your hair, grabbed your keys and phone heading out the door.

"ready." you say

"time. 8 minutes and 24 seconds." she announced

"what the hell??"

"just proving a point that you take forever now c'mon let's go."


you two started to head out, but it felt odd for some reason. usually when nobara requested to go out somewhere she brings someone else besides you like itadori or inumaki. but this time was just you.

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