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throughout the car ride to your apartment to meet up with megumi, nothing but nervousness ran through your blood. but, this still didn't stop you from being upset at him.

what megumi had said about the kiss hurt you and started to make you think that this fake relationship was just going to bring you pain and drama instead of happiness.

once arrived at the apartment you immediately shut off the car and ran inside the building complex up to your apartment.

"hey, i'm here. what happen?" you burst through the door grabbing your oxygen through your lungs just to see megumi sitting on the couch.

"oh, good you came. just in time." megumi looked at you and motioned for you to come sit next to him on the couch in which you proceeded. "take a look at this."

when your eyes laid on the computer screen, your heart quickly stopped beating.

breaking news: megumi and y/n seemed to be faking their entire relationship!!!

— according to some girls who go to the same college as megumi and his supposed 'girlfriend', y/n, are making a false relationship.

the video below shows evidence that y/n did admit to faking the relationship through a video that one of the girls, katie, shot secretly through her pocket.

when you played the video everything stopped, your breathing was no longer in your body. neither did your blood circulate.

in the video, you state "megumi and i are indeed faking the relationship!" with such enthusiasm. "i'm only in it for the frame. when i get it all, i'm ditching him and will put the blame on him."

then the video cuts short. as your eyes wandered more it landed on this sentence.

— it seemed to be truthful as other girls who were with katie when the events happened backed it up. they said quote on quote "she showed no remorse whatsoever and had a smile on her face while saying it with such pride."

it what unbelievable that these girls were just doing this just to get 'their' megumi back and to make you look bad.

you looked back at megumi and instead of him having sorrow eyes for what was happening, he had nothing but rage and bitterness in his eyes. you had never seen megumi like this ever before throughout the month and half you had known him for.

"wanna explain what the hell you said in that video?" he quietly whispered. his words sounded nothing but sinister. it made your blood go cold.

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