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your pov, friday 11:30 am

you flutter your eyes awake and groan as you move to your side. your head was pounding like it was about to explode.

"fuck, my head." the room was filled with light. of course it had to be a sunny day out of all the days when you get a hangover. oh and obviously one of the side effects of a hangover is sensitive to light so when this beaming light flashes in your eyes it hurts them. when you looked around, you were in your dorm room.

"how did i get here?" looking around trying to find some clue, you found a note on your nightstand.

to whoever reads this,

i woke up around 6 am and saw you and nobara still dead asleep so i pulled up my strength and carried the both of you into a taxi i order. when i came back here, i laid both of you on your guys bed and left! don't worry i feel fine now, i guess i passed out too. megumi was the one who woke me up, he was going to take you both but he had to do something with gojo. k, bye!


"well certainly nobara ain't here." you look at her side of the room, yep, her bed was empty. so i guess itadori brought both you and nobara home from the party.

"what the fuck happen last night?" you were still in your dress but your shoes were off, probably itadori took them off. besides that, everything from last night was a blur all you remember was music noise talking and dancing.

when you checked your phone that was on the nightstand, you realized the time and day. it was not the weekend yet, today was friday. "FUCK! I FORGOT YESTERDAY WAS THURSDAY MEANING I HAVE CLASS TODAY!" you jumped out of bed but soon fell over to nobara's bed because of your extreme headache and light sensitivity.

"ugh, dammit. i can't go to school, i basically smell like pure alcohol." yeah, so plan b was to skip school for today. no biggie, you could get someone to collect your work for the day and painkiller yeah that's a necessity.

while at least up you can close those curtains. "sorry sun i love you but not today." god, note to yourself, never go to parties during the week even when forced.

"now where the hell is this chick?" you plot back down on your bed calling nobara, as expected it went straight to voicemail. the second time she picked up.


"hey (y/n) what's up?" she happily said.

"the fuck is she is so happy about, and why isn't all drug out like me??"

"where are you?"

"oh i'm out with itadori! we went out for breakfast!"

hearing the noise in the background, that did not sound like a typical breakfast run out. it sounded like a city instead,

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