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as you were heading up in the elevator, your mind was going everywhere. the thought of itadori being roommates with megumi drove you insane. and to top off the cherry on top, you kissed megumi this morning and have not spoken to him after that. god, this was going to be a nightmare. you prayed to the gods hoping megumi had gone out for the whole day.

23F, there it is. at this point you were sweating like shit right now. you didn't even want to see megumi after what exactly happened this morning.

"it's ok (y/n) your fine. nothing to be afraid of. c'mon your not known to be a pussy but this freaks you out??"

you knocked on the door biting the inside of your cheeks. the door open and thank the gods, it was itadori, shirtless with just sweatpants like usual. typical.

"hey (y/n) what's up! good to see you!" he smiled and waved

"itadori. a shirt please. thank you."

"OH SHIT SORRY HOLD ON!" he shut the door in your face then 3 seconds later opened it up now fully clothed. "hey sorry about that! come in come in!" he smiled/

"you know you didn't have to slam the door on me like that?"

"sorry!" he smiled.

"this freak again? i'm so tired of being in your body." sukuna's mouth popped out on itadori's palm.

"HEY!" itadori clapped his hands. "LEAVE."

sukuna whined in pain, "pathetic."

"ok anyways ready to play some video games?"

"uhh, yeah sure. hey itadori i have a question."

"shoot away!"

you took a deep breath before saying, "do you live with anyone? like roommate?"

he stopped what he was doing and looked at you confused "what you mean?

"well i was just wondering if you lived with anyone out of uh curiosity! you know just to get to know your place since i don't visit hear often!"

"oh, well yeah i do!" he went back to setting up the game.

"are they here now?" you asked.

"no, he left a while ago. saying how he needed to go train with gojo and inumaki. don't worry he'll be back in a while like probably in 5 hours."

"5 hours? ok good phew."

a relief of stress your body knowing that this 'roommate' aka megumi, wasn't going to be back for quiet a while. by then you should have left so nothing to worry about for now.

"ok, ready for the game?" itadori handed you a controller

"ready as i'll ever be!" you grin.

3 1/2 hours later

"HA WON AGAIN!" you yelled in victory "YOU CAN'T BE THE MASTER OF THIS GAME!"

"FUCK! YOU CHEATED! CHEATER!" itadori fussed.


"whatever. fine. anyways, what time is it?"

"i don't know. oh it's 3:45."

"damn we played for 3 hours?? jesus."

you got up from the couch and started packing your things up "well i'm out."

"why? you don't want to play more?"

"sorry man, i gotta get going. i have a life and i can't stay here playing videos game all day and ruin my eyes you know? and besides we'll play again probably next week. you always come over at least two days a week."


"see." after everything was packed, you started to head out the door until itadori stopped you.

"oh yeah wait! i have some news!!!"

"what is it?"

"well, i heard that next week there will be a party going on! it's being hosted by maki! she was hoping you could come but then again when she says that you have no other choice."

"ah shit. yeah," you sigh "i know."

maki and you just recently became friends about a year ago and half but it feels like you both have known each other for years. you meant her through panda and inumaki. at first she didn't seem pleased to be introduce to someone new but then you both eventually started to warm up and now are good friends. she knows you aren't exactly the party type or go to too many parties so when a party rolls around she forces you to go without a choice.

and in this case, she is hosting a party, indicating yeah you're going whether you like or not. but not going to lie, her parties are quite the parties. there are fun games, drinks of course, loads of people that aren't sketchy or frat type. they are just good decent parties. and yes you have been to her parties.

"tell her, i'll be there."

"cool! i'll let her know! it's on thursday after school hours. it started at 6 and ends at whatever time she wants."

"in other words, until 4am."

"yeah technically."

"wonderful. now when i go to my classes on friday my teachers will question why my eyes are on the verge of falling off my face."

"maki doesn't have class on friday so."

"ah there it is. that's why she is hosting a party on a school night. well anyways i guess it won't be that bad. all i have to do is avoid every possible thing and drink so i could go to class without looking fucked up."

"hmm yes. that's the way."

"well, thanks for telling me the news, i'll see you next week?"

"yep! oh and it's at her house."

"gotcha. thanks bye!" you flicked his head back like you usually do. "see ya!"

"well then, guess i have plans next weeks. let's hope it goes swell."

yeah. it went everything but swell. you were in for a full ride, falling right into a trap of torture.

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