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megumi's pov

shortly after you left to nobara's place. gojo came over to, i guess, give moral support to megumi. considering this is the only time where megumi really cared about someone besides itadori, nobara and etc.

he showed gojo the article and video he showed you. gojo had the same reaction as you but with a more straight face.

"i see." he says. "so (y/n) said that?"

"well according to the video and from what the girls had said who were present when (y/n) said that."

gojo nodded his face and sighed, "megumi, you can't go believing things you see on the internet–"

"but she said it! videos don't fucking lie!" megumi cut off gojo.

at this point, gojo was getting a bit irritated from megumi's nonsense. "just listen for a minute!" he yelled.

"you can't just believe every shit you see on the internet. the videos, photos you see in articles could be edited by people who want attention including this video of (y/n)."

"i have no fucking idea how in the hell your mind assumed that this video was one hundred percent true but clearly it's not. do you not hear (y/n) glitching between sentences?!"

no megumi didn't. that was because he only saw a portion of the video and went with it. when you viewed the whole video, he didn't bother paying attention. instead, his mind was fully focused on how you could have done this.

"listen megumi, i don't know what you want me to do–"

"i need ..." megumi sighed. "recently i have been feeling some sort of feeling towards (y/n)."

it's so funny to see gojo's face go from serious to excited. he's a guy that's happy, that's mostly what he is known for; especially for bullying nanami. god bless him.

"keep talking, i'm all ears." gojo smiled happily.

"i just, ... i don't know! everytime i'm even near her, my stomach gets all filled with nervousness, my thoughts don't think clearly, and "according to maki" i have all the signs of 'having feelings towards someone'."

on the outside, gojo remained calm with a small smile  that stretched from ear to ear but on the inside, he was jumping up and down with joy.

"oh i see, ok ok." he replied with the tone of a five year old ecstatic. "have you confessed?"


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