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monday, 7:23 am

"so what do we do now?" nobara complained to megumi "it's too early for this shit."

"i don't know what to do now. all of it is all over." megumi sighed in frustration putting his hands behind his back.

"itadori is out with imumaki and panda yet again to go train."

"leave them alone, i don't want to drag anyone else into our situation creating it more bigger than it already has to be."

soon after, you fluttered your eyes awake and looked around, it wasn't your dorm room nothing like it; clearly you weren't on your bed either. it looked oddly familiar though but you just woke up, your thinking isn't straight.

"where am i?" you softly spoke stretching.

"oh goodie, sleep beauty is finally awake." nobara rolled her eyes sitting on the edge of the couch.

"what? why aren't we home?" you looked around finally getting notice you weren't home nor on your bed.

"should i tell her orr?" nobara looked at megumi who came over with his arms crossed still in frustration.

"tell me what? spit it out, i don't got all day." that bad feeling of air started to develop in your stomach.

megumi sighed before leaning against the wall "fine i'll tell her."


"apparently, some people from this popular youtube channel got a tip that we weren't living together and decided to check it out for themselves." he explained.

"what do you mean check it out 'themselves?'."

"i'm just going to blur it out in one piece since this one wants to be dramatic about it." nobara butted in eyeing megumi.

"they supposedly spied on us two in a pair of bushes near our dorm room, and took a photo of us two entering into our building without megumi. same happened to him and itadori when they entered their apartment complex. these douchebags took photos of us showing that you and megumi got into an argument making you both 'separated'."

after nobara finished her little 'speech', you sat there in complete shock and in disbelief of what was the current issue. your brain couldn't even process all of this, and that drama was already occurring just after two days of you guys confirming your relationship.


"and it's not just them, take a look." megumi handed you his phone and showed screenshots he took of different articles and youtube channels making all type of assumptions including one named,

"famous jujutsu sorcerer, megumi fushiguro, and (y/n)'s relationship is completely FAKE!!"

as famous jujutsu sorcerer, megumi fushiguro, and his girfriend, (y/n), just announce their relationship, rumors have been said they may have been dating longer and just announced. yet, photos have been surfacing the internet saying they have been seperated.

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