bonus chapter !!

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a/n: two months after what would have happened if u said yes.

a/n: two months after what would have happened if u said yes

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"please megumi! i promise this will be my last set for the month!" you begged megumi in the middle of a bookstore for another set of manga after he specially set order to you about buying no more.

"no. it's final, put it back we're leaving." he gave you 'that look' before turning away. "don't even think about running away and paying for it on your own credit card because i will return them."

"you can't return!"

"then nobara is getting an early birthday gift."

you sighed in frustration putting away the books, "until next time my loves." "hey wait up!"

megumi turned around stopping to wait, you caught up to him and he held out his hand for your hand to grab. but you being the brat you were, grabbed it with rolled eyes like it didn't care.

"quit acting like a child, it's ridiculous y/n. it's just for another month, it goes by quickly so just wait patiently."

"fine." your body slugged as it walked disappointed that none of your tactics worked out. well maybe it's because megumi already knows all of them already considering you use it so frequently.

megumi noticed your state of sadness so an idea popped up in his mind, "hey, how about we get some ice cream?"

your head shook no; megumi came up with other ideas but you still turned them down. his mind gave up. he hates seeing you upset but boundaries must be set.

"let's go home then." he guided you to the car with his hand still holding yours. as usual, paparazzi surrounded your guys car but quickly backed away when the car started. it was like second nature dealing with these people.

throughout the car ride, it was mostly silent with music playing in the background. you just looked out the window viewing all the bright buildings that started to shine their light since the sky started to get dark.

from time to time, megumi peeked at you still noticing your state. he knows how long you've been waiting for the next volume of your series to come out but constantly buying is no good. you feel like this is more of a parent relationship then a normal one.

"alright we're home."


he opened the door and you entered in putting your belongings down, "i'm going to shower."

"wait i am too-"

"BY MYSELF." the door slammed as the water started to run.

"she's such a child when it comes to no. i can't deal with her little tantrum." megumi went to sit on the couch and go on his phone. he went to notes to type some ideas for his project. his eyes quickly spotted a note labeled: solutions to make her happy.

backstory on it, after everything settled down with the drama between you two, it gave megumi time to understand the concept of a relationship and it gave him time to feel ready for commitment. with a bunch of lectures from nobara, he finally understood.

behind your back, megumi pointed everything down form your dislikes to likes to solutions to make you happy again when sad or upset. his mind isn't a master at keeping everything in check he does remember a lot about you but he just wanted to point them down for situations like these.

solutions to make her happy.

- food, mostly fast food.

- stuffies, buying her some stuff animals.

- cuddles.

- book or manga

- hugs

- dancing in the rain

- anime

- late night drives

- trips

his mind quickly made up and knew what would make you happy all at once. so he left a note for you saying he headed out real quick and will come back in a few.

you got out of the shower and saw the note that was left, "whatever."

minutes go by

you heard a car door slam while sitting on your bed watching tv. it was close so it indicated that someone had arrived near your part of the building complex.

seconds later, the door is heard to unlock and someone entering in, you poked your head through the door frame and noticed a black figured walking slowly.

for protection, you grabbed a bat; megumi doesn't know about it but you bought it for defense in case since they're could be some crazy fan girls bust in and want to eliminate you.

the bat was ready to whip someone in the face at any given moment as you walked out of the room to investigate the noise. the more you walked, the more this shadow figured grew.

your heart rate started to rise quickly and your breathing became shallow. "ok, i'm getting sick and tired of stalling."

your walking pace became more faster and you bursted into the living with the bat ready to be whipped.

"WHO'S THERE?" you yelled out, all that scared for nothing to come across megumi holding food one hand and a giant stuff animal in the other.

"woah, there. it's just me." his eyebrows furrowed. "the hell did the bat come from?"

"oh, dammit!" you whacked him with your hand.


"don't scare me like that again! it's not funny!"

"i didn't mean to scare you! just relax, it's me."

you rolled your eyes, "so, where did you go?"

"well, i felt bad for making you upset so i got you some food and this giant bear plush to cheer you up–"

before his sentence could finish, you tackled him to the ground with your legs restraining his hips as you grabbed the food out of his hand.

"sorry, i couldn't wait any more. the fries were begging to be eaten."


"shut up! i'm hungry."

he sat up straight against the sofa and adjust you properly on his lap and you munched on the food with the bear along side.

"you happy again?" he looked at you while his hands snaked around your waist.

"thank you!" you smiled. "but i'm still not letting you off the hook easily with the manga."

"well, fuck. i tried." the smell of the fries started to get a little too good for him to not say no. he tried to sneak a frie in his hand but you quickly slapped it away.



"fuck sharing."

me talking ig:

i told you i'll post bonus chapters as an apology for the angst.

i suck at oneshots so i tried the best i could hear. i hate how 'soft' it got but idc as long as it repairs all of your broken hearts than it's fine.

i'm going to take a nap, my eyes r so fucking red. the next bonus will be out soon.

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