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"bye inumaki!" you waved goodbye.

he waved back as he went off to his direction. you headed back to your dorm dreading the thought of all the homework you are going to have to do once home.

after a couple of minutes, you arrived home but as soon as you walk through the door, nobara was smiling proudly while sitting on her bed.

"hey nobara what's- why are you smiling?"

"oh nothing~"

"cut the bullshit, spill."

"megumi called me ask where you were!" she quickly replied

you dropped your bags from her response "HE WHAT?"



"oh i said you were in class but usually go to the library to do your shit and that's was all. i think he's probably going over there expecting you to be there."

from what she had explained to you, your mind was all of the place. he was basically heading over there expecting you to be there made your head go crazy.

"nobara why the hell you tell him i was at the library?" you whined to her "i wasn't planning on going today. you know that."

"well sorry sis. now go shoo. he's probably waiting~"

you sighed from her ignorance and the fact that her big mouth caused yet another problem for you. "fuck you."

picking up your bags you headed out but before leaving full, you stuck your middle finger out on her.

"love you too babe!" she happily said

quickly and worried, you ran over to the library hoping he hadn't arrived yet. the library was 6 minutes away from the dorms and while running that makes it 4.

soon enough you made it to the library. scanning through the the tables trying to find him, he was no where to be found.

"don't tell me i ran all the way over here for him not to show up. whatever might as well do my homework." you say down at a table getting out your laptop and homework.

2 hours later you were done and megumi was still a no show. you expected him to come while you were doing homework but he didn't.

"looks like he was a no show, whatever. let me read my manga, i guess." just to kill some time, you decided to catch up on your manga.

while reading you didn't noticed megumi walk through the door and look around for you since your nose was really into your book. he then saw you and went over.

"uh hey" he greeted you, but since you were so focused on the book you didn't hear him. to get your attention, he put the book down and his face was inches away from yours.

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