bonus chapter 2 !!

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friday night, 11:45 pm

"FUCK." you let out a breath of frustration. "how in the hell is x supposed to help with stupid problem!"

in order to graduate college, you had to take a final test in all the classes you had picked out. one of them was algebra, advance.

at this moment, your reviewing some problems that could be on the placement test. it's been hours since you've told megumi about you going to go study.

the kitchen table had been turn into a desk; papers everywhere that were highlighted with important words, books from the library and school open to a certain page, pencils, pens, calculator, and formulas.

it had been stressing you out trying to get these problems correct, half were when you checked the answer sheet but the other wasn't.

what's worse is the answer sheet didn't show how exactly the answer was gotten. so, for the last four hours an half you've been trying to get these problems correct.

megumi had gone to bed about an hour or two ago. he told you, "come to bed in an hour, you need sleep. if you don't come to bed, i will make you."

well, it's been more than an hour; you didn't intentionally 'not follow his directions' just schoolwork got the best of time.

"if 2a+c=23-(r+23) somehow associates with 145, how? ... maybe i combine the variables then- no pemdas! dammit!"

(ik that's a fake problem but if i rlly made a real
problem, one of you solve it. i'm curious)

you slammed your hands on the table with such stress and bitterness. stress has always been a normal thing for you but for some reason it's getting the best of you right now.

you laid your head on the table just to relax your blood pressure before something worse happens. the apartment goes dead quiet until you heard noises coming from the bedroom.


you turn around and see megumi leaving against the wall, "hey.." your lips make an awkward smile knowing what's about to come.

"still working on that?"


"love, c'mon. you can't work on this all night, it's midnight already. you've been working on this for like five hours already. come to bed."

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