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same day, 5:56 pm

"oh, you really did make it before me." you said surprised when megumi opened the door.

"well yeah, you thought i wasn't going to make it?"


"gosh, adore the lack of support you give me."

"anytime buddy." you grin innocently. "i can't actually believe i'm going to live in this apartment just to keep up this lie."

"yeah, speaking of that, i have rules."

when that left megumi's mouth, your soul went to visit jesus and satan. "pardon me?" you raised an eyebrow turning around. "rules?? do i look like a two-year old to you??"

"no, and yes rules."

"did you watch fifty shades of grey to get this little idea cause like i don't know where you come up out of nowhere to tell me you have 'rules'."

"fifty shades of grey?" megumi mumbled under his mouth "w-whatever and no. just let me speak."

"sure, i'd love to hear these boundaries you want me to follow because you assume i don't know how to take care of an apartment." you cross your arms. "so go ahead, speak."

he sighed "all they are is, washes the dishes when it's your turn, clean up after yourself, when it's your turn to do a chore just do it, and just don't be a big fuss around here."

your face had the most irritating and annoyed look that megumi had ever probably seen from you. "you got to be fucking kidding me."

"no, i'm not."

"does this dumbass think i don't know any of those? I LIVED WITH NOBARA FOR FUCKING GOD SAKES!"

"dude, i know those things already. i lived with a rat for two years plus been around her for about almost a decade."

"i'm just saying, itadori didn't get it for like a month so i assumed you wouldn't but if you say so."

"look who is showing lack of support now." you rolled your eyes.

couple hours later; 10:23 pm

after that whole conversation ended, the moving truck arrived at the apartment and started unloading your guys moving boxes. soon after, the both of you started to get everything arranged. finally after many hours of fixing up, going back and forth, all was in place.

"oh my god finally." "damn" the both of you collapsed on the couch; a sigh of relief left both of your mouths.

"who knew moving into an apartment would take all my energy."

"(y/n), majority of the time period we were arranging everything, they were all of your belongings."

"what is that supposed to mean??"

"it means you have too many items." megumi got up "well, i'm heading off to bed-"

megumi stopped his sentence midway; why? just take a wild guess why. here i'll give you a hint because i'm feeling generous. hint: one. bedroom.  = one bed.

"what? why you stop?" you ask him; it took a minute but afterwards your brain figured it out real quickly why he stopped.

"oh shit- ... we only have one bed.." the both of you thought.

ok storytime with me, you have never slept with someone. ever. equaling to, this will be your first time sleeping with someone; and when i mean sleep i mean SLEEPING.

in megumi's case, it's the complete opposite. he has slept with someone; both way: sleep and sexual way.

"i fucking knew i was missing something." you mumbled under your breath. "fuck you gojo."

"look," he sighed, "if you don't feel comfortable with me sleeping in the same bed as you, then i completely understand. i could sleep on the bed."

"w-what?! no no that's fine! i don't mind!-"

"no really i fully understand-"

"megumi really! i don't mind at all, besides ... we have to get used to that if we are going to be living together for a while. one can't be sleeping on the couch forever that can cause some back problems and i don't think either of us want that."

"are you sure about this? i don't want to make this forced on you nor make myself look all guilty and just for  you to feel bad."

"no really," you got up from the couch and smiled "i truly don't feel uncomfortable by it. just one thing though."

he tilted his head to the side a bit "that is?"

"stay on your side and don't get any ideas cause i swear if i feel your hand on my body somehow someway i won't be afraid to break it." you grinned from ear to ear all happy "got that, pretty boy?"

he gulped "got it."

"wonderful! let's get ready for bed then, i'm tired." you stretch one final time before heading over towards the bathroom.

"fucking hell gojo, i"m going to destroy your soul the minute you come visit me again." megumi pondered. "why did i take those idiot's idea." he face palmed himself shame.

(idiots = nobara and itadori)

as you were in the bathroom, that's where your true emotions unveiled. in reality, your stomach was filled and i mean filled with butterflies and anxiety. this was going to be your first time ever sleeping with someone. let alone this someone is megumi.

plus it's worse since you're dealing with this 'strange intensity.' towards megumi. sleeping together is going to make it go over the roof. i guess nobara's wish in chapter two is coming true, maybe the universe will agree with her this time.

"ugh, this stupid intensity is getting on my last nerve. megumi is just a friend nothing more nothing less dammit! just leave already!"

"i swear to god  if this night doesn't go as i plan it to go, i will lose my mind mentally." you quickly did your night routine and headed out towards the bedroom. megumi was already there on the bed watching tv.

"you ready for bed?" he asked.


me talking:

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