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megumi's pov

from the corner of his eye, megumi spots something he thought he never saw. bridgette's laptop was wide open showing a video that looked oddly familiar to him and editing settings below.

"what's this?" he pointed to her laptop as bridgette closed the door.

"what's what?" she turned and saw what he was pointing at. "oh! that's the video of y/n, katie wanted me to edit it for her so she could 'expose' that whore." bridgette chuckled, retrieving the laptop only for it to be snatched away from her hands by megumi's.

"the fuck are you talking about?? what do you mean 'editing it for her'?? and how do you know katie?"

she sighed in frustration as her hands landed on her hips, "katie, my sister." her tone of voice sounded annoyed. "since you hated that slut so much and i thought maybe i help you get rid of her by making katie record a video from her pocket then i could edit the video making y/n say that she used you for fame. when finished i posted it to the internet and oh my god it blew up! it was insane, you had to be there!"

she may be laughing but there is not even a chuckle from megumi only a plain no expression on his face. megumi could not believe that everyone around him was telling him the truth, it was edited and by someone he thought in a million years wouldn't do that.

"why? why would you do that?"

"because silly, if the whole country believes y/n is nothing but a pathetic attention seeker only looking for fame by using you, then everyone would disown her including her peers. that way, i will come into the picture and save you from this disaster as people praise me then soon wish we both get together."

bridgette smirked as she inched closer and closer to megumi almost landing her hands on his chest until he grabbed her wrist roughly. "don't touch me."

she pulled back grunting in pain, "what? don't tell me you're on that pathetic whores side?-"



"seriously." megumi headed out the door giving a cold look. "if you come near her again, i will ruin your reputation with ease, bitch." with that, the door slammed, leaving bridgette with such anger, causing her to break a vase and glass along with a scream of anger.

megumi on the other hand, slammed his hands on the wheel of his car in such frustration with himself, believing something that is so clear even if he reviewed the video so many times and fully, and upset thinking bridgette had changed but clearly she still is madly in love with him.

one thing was very clear in his head though, he needed to talk to you and clear everything. but deep down, megumi knew you did not want to see him as of right now nor even hear him.

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