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11:57 am

you were just enjoying your beauty sleep, you know dreaming away all curled up in a blanket. no nobara to make any noise, no loud neighbors or people decided to be dickheads and yell, ah yes the life of peace and quiet getting sleep. that was until a knock appeared at your door.

"later..." you mumbled turning over to your side and pulling the blanket over your head.

but the knocking continue. "go away.." you said a bit louder, still the knocking never stop.

one thing for you to know, when you guys got the key to your dorm, nobara decided to make three copies of them. one for herself, one for itadori since he usually likes coming by on a daily, and the other for maki because she hates when she has to wait for you guys to come to the door and likes to go once arrived.

you started to wake up but still ignored the knocking, "i swear to god whoever this person is better say their goodbyes to people they love."

soon enough the knocking stopped and the sound of keys being inserted into the door emerged. the door open but you didn't bother to see as you thought it was one of those three.

"leave me aloneee ... unless you want to die do not bother mee." you whined covering your head with the pillow.

"(y/n)?" a familiar voice said. it rung a bell in your head but since you were really tired and just wanted sleep before your classes you didn't both to look.

"yoo-hoo. (y/n), wake up." the voice continued.

"omg that's it."

you got up from under the pillow with a cold look on your face droopy eyes and a stare that could kill. "what." your face came face to face with, megumi. him. out of all people, him. oh and your tone wasn't a nice 'what' it was the annoyed attitude 'what'.

"what's with the tone?" megumi said.

your eyes grew big and your 'death' stare soon turned soft. "megumi?? OH SHIT" you backed up from his face and covered your head with the blankets.


megumi started to chuckled which completely caught you off guard. "huh? did i say something funny?"

"no no, it's nothing." he said trying to stop laughing

"oh, ok then."

"anyways," megumi sat on the edge of your bed mind you, you're still wrapped up in your blanket. "i tried to call you and text you but no response so i came here."

"you did?" yes, yes he did. your notification box was filled with his calls and messages.

3 miss calls from megumi
4 messages from megumi

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