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that following night

as you had stated before towards megumi, he stayed on his side while you stayed in yours. your stomach was filled with nervousness since this is your first time ever sleeping with anyone; at least the guy is respectable with your wishes unlike some other dipshits who aren't.

anyways back to topic, you actually were the first to sleep since moving all those boxes and arranging them tired out your body. megumi stayed watching some tv and going on his phone. it was maybe around 11:23 pm when you fell asleep so lord knows when megumi went to sleep.

megumi's pov, 12:01 am

"alright, that's enough for today my eyes are going to shut any second now."

he shut off the tv and put his phone on the charger. before he went to bed fully, he wanted to take one last 'breath' i guess you say; just wanted to look around once more and really accept the fact that this is his 'new lifestyle' now.

as his eyes wonder, they soon landed on you. just peacefully sleeping away dreaming about whatever your brain wants to dream of; sleeping away without a care in the world. this was the second time megumi saw you fast asleep, he always thought you looked pretty cute when asleep.

"she is quite the sleeper. ... cute"

from out of nowhere, a feeling megumi was very similar to, had arrived. it was the same feeling he had gotten when he looked at the pictures that the paparazzi took of the both of you for the first time. that photo of you laughing; the one where he saved it in his photos. his heart rate started to increase rapidly along with his adrenaline.

palms started to get a bit sweaty, and his stomach started to turn. considering megumi has been in a relationship before, he knows what these feelings are but this time, they were strong.

"no no, she is just a friend. why am getting this feeling? this is ridiculous."

megumi shook his head and tried to make the strange feeling go away but it wouldn't. it stayed there making itself at home in his body. "i need to stop." he mumbled.

"i'll just sleep it off, i'll be fine by tomorrow." as his eyes closed trying to doze off, his mind was still awake. there was no point in trying to count the sheep or count to 100; his mind simply wanted to think about you and this strange tenderness towards you.

there was this effect you had on megumi. always since the first day he met you and wanted to get to know you. from the library, to the little dates, class, everything you guys did together he always had this strange effect that gradually grew more and more throughout the weeks.

but as the same as you and growing up not knowing how to express emotions, he pushed them away. let alone, not ready for a real actual relationship due to his past experiences with them. but at the same time, he kinda likes them. he enjoys them.

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