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"holy shit, this place is all dazed out." you looked around seeing beautiful paintings and statues. "gives me museum vibes."

from the corner of your eye, a woman appeared along with a man.

"ah spectacular! you both have arrived, very nice to meet ya!" the man exclaimed, coming towards you both. "you must be megumi fushiguro! the most famous jujutsu sorcerer in history!"

"well i wouldn't say in history." megumi chuckled. "thank you for having us here."

"of course!" the man grinned. "and you must be (y/n) as well as megumi's significant other! such an honor to meet you!"

"oh thank you, you too!" your smile was 50/50 fake and real. on one hand you were excited to attend this party and get charmed up but on the other, you really didn't want to be here and sort things out with megumi; all you wished was this drama to be over.

"how long have you both been together?"

the both of your hearts stopped beating. neither of you have talked about how long you both would be together for. it had to be reasonable and make sense; if you say a year, then more difficult questions would be asked. if only a couple of months, then you both 'don't know each other.'

"oh uh... for about seven months..?" you awkwardly grinned hoping he would take the bait; megumi did the same as well.

"oh my! how wonderful, you both are a lovely couple! i see you both waited for the right moment to tell the public then huh? wonderful!"

"thank you." "thanks."

"now shall we get to it? we don't have that much time." the man looked at the woman. "oh my goodness how unprofessional of me. this is my friend who will also be helping you today."

"hello, nice to meet you! i'll be taking care of your makeup today!"

"oh um, you don't have to–"

"yes! to the salon!" she grabs ahold of your wrist dragging you to her office/station.

you look back at megumi with a worried look in which he gives back a smile meaning 'you'll be fine.'

your pov

when the woman took you back to her office/station, she got right to work; sitting you down on a chair, she quickly got her supplies and bags to get ready.

"ok, so do you have any idea of what you would like?"

"um, well not really. sorry." you laughed awkwardly. "i'm not really the type of person who wears a lot of makeup. like a light makeup type."

"oh i see, light makeup? i just got the idea!" she smiled proudly and got right to work on your makeup.

"so um do you know megumi or was this your first time?" it was going to be a while until she was going to be done so might as well start a conversation.

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