thank you.

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i just wanted to come on here n make a separate chapter dedicated to my thanks. that's why i kinda been keeping my authors note short n simply n not much talk.

but anyways, thank you. i thank you all for reading my book n enjoying it! it truly brings me joy that many people enjoy reading and laughing at my 'i'll delete this later' book.

i love you all for the support you have given me towards this book n for those of you who have been here since day one n seen all my covers n themes, HA.

check out my other book (s) if i do publish some bc rn i'm at a writers block. if i do have a book or books publish pls check them out it would be great if they got the same attention as this book got!

i love u all from the bottom of my heart, i'm am here 25/8 if u need to talk. my dms r always open !! drink water n get some fresh air !!

MWAH !! :D

-julie <3

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