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you ran upstairs, opened the door, and as you predicted nobara was sitting on her bed with her arms crossed tapping her foot impatiently waiting for you.

"heyy, how we doing how we doing?" you said in a sincere voice "what's with the face?"

nobara raised her eyebrow "where were you?"

"i was on a.. walk!"

"really? a walk? at 7 in the morning, you, went for a walk until 10?"

"yep! that's me!"

"you never take walks, you told me many, many times you despise them and quote on quote, 'are the most boring thing in the world on your list.'"

"uhh.." you laughed nervously "when did i say that? neverr, i love walks i just was lazy that day!" you sat your belongings down and laid on the bed.

"ok then, where did you get that jacket? because it certainly ain't yours."

"yes it is! i had it in the back of my closet for over uh a year, my mom gave it to me!"

nobara knew you like the back of her hand. she knows everything and anything about you. she was there with you through thick and thin, when you and your parents argued you went over to her house to sleepover. she knows your problems, likes and dislikes, favorite dish oh please this girl could write a whole biography about you. so when it comes to lying like right now, she can tell very easily.

how your body language gets, your voice pitch, and how your lies don't add up. plus, with your clothing lies, she knows your wardrobe like her own since she borrows a lot of your clothing and scans through it for fun.

"(y/n), quit the act. where were you and who's jacket is that?" she had the tone like a mother with a child. you know that one type.

"i am not lying! it is true! i went for a walk and had this jacket for over a year!"

"a, you hate walks, i know that too well because everytime it was to walk down to the street to get my mail you always complained. b, at 7 am? y/n, you don't wake up until you have the feeling to get up. and c, that jacket is not your nor was it in your closet. that jacket belongs to megumi. i've seen the kid wear that for fuck sakes! oh and plus, his smell is on it dummy."

"well fuck." you sighed knowing you got caught and will never get away with your lying, especially with this chick. "fine, you caught me. yes i hate walks. yes i wake up when i please. and yes," you let out another sigh "the jacket belongings to megumi."

"truth is, i got a text from him. he wanted to go out for breakfast this morning, other words a date. so, i left that note for you not to get all excited or start making assumptions because it's annoying. anyways, we went out to eat, explored the area a bit and came back here like 6 minutes ago." you explained "he gave me his jacket because it was a little cold out and so he  offered it to me."

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