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wednesday, same day as before, 11:10 am

as quietly as possible, you got up, fixed up yourself and brushed your teeth and headed out to see what this assclown needs now.

(assclown = megumi)

at first it was hard because nobara thought your hand was a person and almost started to make out with it until you quickly replaced it with maki's arm. also maki's legs were tangled with yours somehow so that was a hassle to deal with, but right now you're free.

u busy?

what the hell do u want?

something came up n it requires u to be here

i swear to god if this is going to be a yelling and 'pointing the finger' session, i'll see u later.

no it's not, this is something else n i need u to come now.

ok fine. i'll be there in a couple of minutes.

drive safe

shut up.

during the ride there, it was the complete opposite from the last time you were driving to megumi's place, well both of your guys. all you were hoping was to get this 'important' thing over with. honestly you had enough of this little game of megumi's; this deal was getting way out of hand. should have gone with the gut feeling.

"this better be fucking worth my gas."

the woman at the front desk greeted you before taking another look.

"hey, um, excuse me?" she lightly said.

you turned to her, still had an annoyed look, "yes?"

"o-oh i'm so sorry to disturb you, but um aren't you megumi's girlfriend?"

your face quickly changed, "uh yes i am. is there a problem?" your eyebrows furrowed. you were expecting she had something to say about the video, but it was wrongly guessed.

"n-no! not at all!" she shook her hands in front of her. "it's just i heard the news about you and the video that is going viral."

"VIRAL?" you haven't seen the video nor looked up on the internet on how the situation was going. last time was when megumi had showed you; that's it, but viral?


"i just wanted to say that i know you would never say that nor do i believe the video is real. it's pretty easy to spot the glitches between your sentences and movements." she smiled.

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