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you pulled out your phone and texted megumi.

can u come by near the cafeteria area quickly please?

what is with you texting me so much? r u sure ur alright?

no. i'm dealing with a bunch of blondies who assume we aren't dating.
pls help me.

i'm on campus

pls come fast.
i'm so tired n rlly don't want to deal w this rn.

ok, i'm coming.

after a couple of minutes of standing there dealing with such ignorant comments, megumi had arrived.

"oh my god! it's megumi fushiguro! it's megumi fushiguro!!" one of the girls aggressively tapped on katie's shoulder.

she gave the girl a look of 'quiet down' in which she followed. you could feel katie's eyes burning the back of your back as you turned around to say hi to megumi.

he had a bag of food in his hand from when you texted him to buy you something; he wasn't kidding when he said he'll bring it to you.


"hey." megumi stood beside you as your eyes met with katie's once again; the anger and jealousy was so visible in her eyes. lucky for you since you are taking a class that mostly focuses on reading body language, her body language was complete resentment and displeasurement.

"so is this what you want?" your tone was annoyed ready to go to class.

"hey megumi! is she really your girlfriend?" katie– all grins– asked him like you weren't even in front of her.

"yes." he quickly and straightforwardly replied.

"prove it."

"ok." megumi took index finger and thumb making your head turn to his.


before you could even react, a soft pair of lips met yours. soft, passionate lips met yours. a pair of hands met the back of your neck pushing you more into the kiss.

it took a moment before you started to kiss back. arms snaked around his neck as you got lost into the kiss. everything seemed to disappear around you. it was like everything around turned white and it was just you two.

not long after, this beautiful kiss broke off when megumi released his lips from yours and met his eyes towards envy. from all the girls more of katie though.

"i told you." megumi unemotionally said as if nothing ever happened. "she is my girlfriend, i don't understand what other type of proof you are looking for."

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