bonus chapter 3 !!

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a/n- they r hot, holy fuck.

a/n- they r hot, holy fuck

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your eyes are focus on the book before they look up to find megumi once again looking at you.

"caught you again." you whispered. "stop staring at me! it's weird and i'm trying to read!"

"how am i supposed to keep my eyes off when a beautiful, gorgeous woman is sitting right in front of me? that's basically saying don't eat that even if you're hungry."

your ears and cheek quickly got warm along with the feeling of flusteredness. ".. shut up. and don't disturb me again from this!"

"oh i see, someone got a little embarrassed from my compliment, hm?" he rested his chin on his hands. "so hilarious seeing you get all flustered to my compliments even after a year and a half of dating."

"i said, zip it." you zipped the imaginary zipper on your mouth gesturing to megumi to close his. "i'm trying to find out what exactly is this."

"you know, it's funny how we have been together for almost two years."

your eyebrows furrowed into confusion, "why you say that?"

"well because, we are literally in the same exact library and in the same exact spot where we talked to each other fully. isn't that a coincidence?"

"well i guess but i did not chose this seat because of that, fyi! i just picked this seat and library because it was the closest!—"

"or was it because it reminds you when i moved the book away from your face and put mines against yours to get your attention. like this,"

megumi used his index finger to put the book down and put his face that was nearly inches away from yours. i'm pretty sure he put it more closer than it originally was.

"hello there, dummy." he cheekily smiled.

your face jolted away a bit before your eyes looked away from the amount of flusteredness your body, especially your face, was experiencing. the tips of your ears were on fire.

"i hate you." you blurred out. "you just love teasing me, don't you?"

"why of course i do. it's so very simple to tease you." his index finger and thumb grabbed your chin. "look at me when i'm speaking to you."

you closed your eyes and scrunched up your nose to try and hide the smile that your lips were about to do. "we are in public—"

"and what does that mean?"

you went silent.

"shocking, you got so silent all of the sudden. that says a lot from someone who loves to talk back."

"are you trying to get me to knock on death's door?"

"oh no, no no. i'm trying to get you to knock on the angels door because i'm surprised they let an angel like you live on this earth."

there goes your cheeks getting warm again.

megumi took away his face and fingers off your chin to lean back on the chair. "oh man, who would of thought i scored with such a beautiful woman for me to tease so easily."

"you make it sound like, i'm weak and delicate."

"that's because you are." of course that was the complete opposite what megumi thought, just another tease.

"oh really?" you raised an eyebrow. "i'm weak and delicate? please. i remember being a strong independent person way before i met you. if i was so weak and delicate, then why did i get a job that involves me speaking in front of people? or even better, handling dead bodies."

his eyebrows lifted up from your sudden talkback, "oh i see. i'm sorry, i probably underestimated you."

"very much." your lips curved into a cheeky smiled to mimicked his earlier.

"didn't know you were so strong and independent."

"why shock? thought you knew me better. considering we have been together for almost two years. wow, you really are stupid. just as gojo said." you quickly gathered your belongings and started walking to the door knowing megumi will quickly get up to try and get you.

"oh you did not just say that." as expected he started to walk behind and catch up but you swung up the door quick and ran out swiftly.

the door slammed on his face while you made a face at him through the window. he opened the door and went after you.


"TRY AND CATCH ME FIRST~" you giggled as you ran ahead of him.

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