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saturday, 3:10 pm

"girl, this will be your first time out in public known as megumi's girlfriend! ooh i'm so excited!!" nobara squealed as you got ready to go shopping with megumi for a bit.

you were originally going alone but megumi suggested he go because he doesn't want you to handle the crowd alone since you never in your life dealt with paparazzi or the media. nobara that it was a splendid idea, also you knew what she was exactly thinking. no? well here is what she was thinking.

"fake my ass. HE IS SO IN LOVE WITH HER!!!"

anyways, megumi was going to pick you up in two minutes. you were just making your last minute adjustments. i mean you were going to be on the internet for fuck sakes might as well look presentable.

"fake girlfriend. get it in your fucking brain idiot!" you poked her head.

"ow! well excuse me i'm just trying to lighten the mood." she scoffed. the door soon got a knock on it. "OH I BET IT'S HIM!!" she hurried over to answer it.


"why hello there, (y/n)'s boyfriend~"

"is she ready?" megumi had a plain expression on his face.

"fuck you both." nobara walked into the kitchen upset.

"hey! hi! i'm here ready!" you came in the door "ready to go?"

"yeah, let's go." he said "she looks amazing..."


"SHUT YOUR FACE!" you slammed the door shut before nobara said another word.

"meanie" she mumbled under her breath.

megumi and you started to head over to his car but he noticed you being a little tense.

"hey you ok? you seemed off."

"me? oh i'm fine! yeah!"

"spit it."

you sighed "ok, well maybe i'm a little nervous with the media. i mean everyone now knows i'm your girlfriend, well know you have one. anyways, what if i say something off or they make fun of me or–"

megumi his hand on your shoulder "trust me, you'll be fine ok? don't worry about it, i'll take all of that."

"thanks." you gave him a reassuring smile before getting in the car.

few minutes later

"you ready?" megumi looked at you and you took a deep breath. i mean yes we aren't going to war or shit but this is the media, the internet we are talking about. you will be om the internet like everyone else who is involved in the media. plus you know how the media is, they will twist up your words like nothing.

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