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your pov

"what the fuck do i do? i don't know what to do?" you grunt in frustration. "but why? why does he want me to be in a fake relationship with him?"

all this was too much for you. you're dealing with a hangover in need for some care, someone to collect your homework and buy you some painkiller, plus take care of you.

"i guess i have to call him ..."

calling megumi

"have you made your decision?" he asked before you could talk.

"no, but i have questions."

"spit it."

"why did you ask me to be in a fake relationship with you? is there some issues in your life that require you to have a fake relationship with me?"

you heard through the phone that megumi sighed "yes, there is a cause. you see, sense i am an extraordinary sorcerer, the media has begun to ask me questions and follow me around like gojo."

"ok?" you were getting anxious more and more as megumi stalled.

"leading them to questions like relationships. i have told them on multiple occasions that i am not in one nor am i looking for one. but they want to ignore my answer and keep asking me about my love life to the point where they have started making false allegations of me with people."

"just get to the point i can't take it no more!!" you shouted to him

"ok ok, so i knew they weren't going to stop asking these questions anytime soon. i went to norbara and itadori asking them what i could do, and their response was fake relationship. that way they could quit asking me about relationship questions knowing i'm in a relationship."

bingo. there it was.

"f-fake relationship? just because the media wouldn't leave you alone?"


"ok then, why me?"

"because, you aren't in the media and people will less expect you to be my 'lucky lover' as they call it or the 'lucky lady'."

when megumi said lucky lady was referring to you, it did give you some butterflies.

"oh k, that gives me more of a clear thought ..."

"yes. so do you agree to be my pretend girlfriend for this issue?"

you went quiet for a second wondering if you should fully commit to this. i mean saying yes to this will mean saying to be known as 'megumi's girlfriend'.

"i'm really not sure. what will the media think of me? if i'm the perfect fit for this role since i'm not in this 'spotlight' thing won't the media have to say some nasty things about me? like i'm not ready for that. sure i can ignore it but the things they say are truly harsh."

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