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a/n- WHY IS HE SO CUTE WHEN HE SMILES LIKE FUCK- [internal screaming] (╯▽╰ )

a/n- WHY IS HE SO CUTE WHEN HE SMILES LIKE FUCK- [internal screaming] (╯▽╰ )

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the both of you headed to the ramen shop that you suggested down the street. from what you had heard, their ramen was five stars which caught your attention immediately. so why not give it a try.

"hi, two bowls of shoyu ramen please?" you asked the cashier.

"sure! that will be $16."

megumi started to dig into his book bag but you remembered the last time. already in hand, you hand the cashier a $20.

megumi gave you a glare. "what? i suggested where we went to eat, i pay." you mimicked his words that he told you before. he simply rolled his eyes.

"your food will be out in 15 minutes!"

"ok, thank you! we will be right out there!" you pointed at an outdoor table. it was a nice day with nice temperatures, you weren't going to let this day pass like nothing.

"sounds good!" the cashier replied. you both headed out to the table with an umbrella outside.

"it's really pretty outside today. they said tomorrow was going to rain so i have to enjoy this weather today."

"i actually prefer the rain more than the sun. it's calming more." megumi said, "it always calms me when i get stressed.

"me too, but i just like the sun more. it makes me more productive because the rain makes me all lazy."

as you viewed the outdoors, megumi got into his thoughts.

"ok, no distractions around us. no people even better. should i ask her? ... will she even agree?? oh dammit. why did that dimwit have to leave me to decide on my own."

(dimwit = nobara)

"hey (y/n), um i have a question?"

"yeah what's up?"

"well um," he cleared his throat "what do you think about a fake relationship?"

you raised an eyebrow "fake relationship? what made you ask me that all of the sudden?"

"i was just wondering, it popped into my mind all of the sudden."

"well, be more specific. fake relationship for a good cause like i don't know if your parents expect you to have a girlfriend and you need one for a couple of days type?"

"make that for a couple of months."

"months? uh i don't know. i never been in one nor have i been asked that question ever. so i don't really have an answer. besides if it were for a cause and a good type then maybe."

"so she will agree to it then? well for my case i hope."

"why the sudden thought of relationship though?"

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