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you entered in your dorm, there an enthusiastic and eager nobara was waiting for you waiting to hear what happen, especially with outside.

"oops, sorry wrong dorm--"

"OH NO YOU ARE NOT!" she yank you back in the dorm and slammed the door, probably jump scared the people on your floor. "TELL. ME. EVERYTHING!!"

"nothing happen." you walked past her laying your belongings down and taking off your shoes.


you raised an eyebrow "what paper?"

"stop being stupid, the paper he gave you dumbass!"

"oh, his number."

she squealed like a middle school girl learning the news her crush likes her. "THIS IS GOOD THIS IS GOOD!"

"um, how is this good?" you walked to the kitchen grabbing a snack.

"HE'S INTO YOU!!" she started screaming in a pillow for overjoy while you stare at her weird.

"ok, woah. your guessing is wayy out of the picture, he just gave me his number to talk more is all and maybe become friends."

"oh please, 'friends' " she mocked your words "when will you get your head out of your ass and open your eyes. it's soo clear the dude likes you."

"nobara. i just met the guy today. you're watching way too much romance movies to actually believe in first sight shit or whatever." you plop back down on your bed "besides, he doesn't seem that interested in me."

"fine, think whatever you think but one day you two will be together."

"yeah sure, in your dreams."

she scoffed "just wait."

one day, you and megumi will end up together. but not exactly the way you think or predict. like the saying goes "nothing is what you expect."

you ended up falling asleep from watching a movie with nobara.


"what the hell? ugh what time is it?" you mumbled fluttering your tired eyes open. it was still dawn out the sun hasn't fully came out yet indicating it was still early.

*three new notification from megumi

"megumi? what is doing up at this hour, this is way to early especially for a weekend." you opened the message and it read,

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