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"MEGUMI!" you yelled holding your hand over your mouth.

"NO NO NO NO I'M COMING!" he came running to you with the bucket to throw up. "god, why am i taking care of you?"

"because i can't take care of myself when i have a hangover and it's part of my side of the deal. get me a paper towel please?"

like i stated many times before, you have a hangover. that includes you getting a stomach virus from all the alcohol you had, plus with the food megumi bought you it didn't seem like it sat right with your stomach. plus your deal with megumi involved him to take care of you.

"did you take your painkillers?" megumi asked while cleaning your mouth up.

"no. i don't want to take them if i'm just going to throw them up again."

he stopped cleaning your mouth and gave you 'that' look "(y/n), are you kidding me right now? you're not going to get any better if you don't."

"nooo, just eh." you push him lighting away putting the blanket over you "i'm tired right now just leave me alone for a couple of hours."

"who knew taking care of her was equivalent to taking care of a dog."

"so you're going to sleep in your dress?" he crossed his arms raising an eyebrow.

"oh yeah, just go in my closet and find whatever comforting clothing. but they are probably all dirty from nobara."

"fine." he rolled his eyes and made his way towards your closet. "jesus christ so much clothing. ... wait, is this-" megumi noticed his jacket he gave you the first time you both hung out.

he was surprised you still had that jacket. "she still has this jacket? i thought she gave it to someone else or threw it away."

"dude hurry up i don't got all day, i want to fucking sleep." you interrupted his thoughts with your complaining.

"ok jeez, hold on." he pulled out a sweater and sweatpants for you to wear and threw it at you. "here. go to the bathroom to change."

"thanks. be right back."

as you entered into the bathroom megumi stared at his jacket that was hanging on your side of the closet, "didn't know she liked it that much."

"oh my god, i feel so much better." you got out of the bathroom, threw your dress in your closet, and plopped down back in bed.

"good to hear. now here. take the fucking medience." megumi handed you an advil with water. "take it and you'll feel a lot better."

you took it and rested your back on the headboard "thanks. i appreciate you taking care of me." you smiled.

"y-you're welcome. it's just part of our deal." he said going back into the kitchen "why do i feel like this? she just smiled like before so why am i getting this feeling??"

megumi had a butterfly tingly feeling throughout his body when you smiled at him. i mean you have smiled at him many times before but it's just that this time it was different. it had some time of effect towards him that weird.


3:34 pm

"SO IT'S OFFICIAL??" nobara dropped her bags on the floor from sudden shock. you called nobara to come back to the dorms as you had something important to tell her, but megumi took the phone out of your hand and blurred out "she agreed to the deal."

she and itadori came home thirty minutes later. megumi told you that they already knew about the deal and they were the ones who came up with the ideas. when they both arrived home nobara came bursting through the door as megumi sat on the floor next to your bed and you were watching tv.

"yep. i'm his uh 'girlfriend'." you exaggerated the word girlfriend.

"DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW??" itadori butted in asking.

"well someone's big mouth told the public as soon as we agreed." you eyed megumi.

"hey no i didn't. when i went to get her painkillers those stupid fangirls surrounded me and i simpled replied with 'i have a girlfriend' and it spread like wildfire to the media."

"in other words, big mouth told everyone as soon as i agreed."

"OH MY GOD THIS IS EXCITING FINALLY MY BABE HAS SOMEONE IN HER LIFE!!" nobara came over and hugged you tightly.

"you're squishing me alive woman! and IT'S A FAKE RELATIONSHIP DUMMY!" you smacked the back of her head. "FAKE GET IT IN THERE!"

"HEY QUICK IT! I GET IT ALREADY!!" she said as she tried to stop you.


as you and nobara were having that little nice conversation, megumi gestured to itadori to come into the kitchen with him for a one to one private conversation.

"what's up man?" itadori cheerfully asked.

"i have this feeling towards y/n. and i don't know what to do." megumi went straight to the point.

"what do you mean?"

"It's like i get a tingly feeling and i get that butterfly like feeling throughout my body. today i have her medication for her headache and she smiled."

"she smiled and that caused you to get that feeling?" itadori looked at him confused "i don't get it. doesn't she always smile at you?"

"yes that's the point, this time i felt odd when she smiled. it's almost like i–"

"don't worry about it dude!" itadori interrupted his sentence "it's probably just a shiver or something. it's nothing to worry about!" he patted his shoulder.


"HOW ABOUT YOU!" the both of you were tackling each other. it turned into a fight.

megumi and itadori took a peek out of the kitchen and saw the little mess you both were in.

"seems like her headache and stomach virus went away." megumi mumbled as you were actively attacking nobara.

"let's just slowly back away and .." itadori whispered into his ear

"go go!" megumi opened the door and both left quickly.

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