Chapter 6: Welcome Back pt.4

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N): "Approaching North of Beacon, No hostiles in sight, Six Hundred Meters away."

I said through My Comms as i watch the dense Forest waiting for an Response

Lerch: "Copy That, We got your survivors. Moving to Portal."

I hear Lerch say as i smirk 

(Y/N): "Copy, glad to be working with you again. Watcher Out."

I sent Derek to grab the Female UWO Survivors and bring the to the PS (Portal Sight) It was just me, John, Kay And Alan Now as we wait for Derek to return.

As i kept my Watch Out i start to have a gut feeling as i Heard Alan Talk through the comms

Alan: "Eagle, do we got anything out of the ordinary?"

Alan Asks the Plane watching over us Nicknamed "The Enola Gay II". The Plane was a LP-12-A Hawk, an Reconnaissance Plane use for Recon, Spy Operations, Bombing Runs And if needed, A Bomber that can drop Five Nuclear Bombs. The fucking thing packs a punch for sure. It can also stay in flight for a whole week.

Of course the LP-12-A Hawk wasn't the only aircraft in Remnant. If needed to Refuel the CL-102-AB is on standby

The CL-1201-AB Is a Flying Nuclear Aircraft Carrier design by the older version CL-1201

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The CL-1201-AB Is a Flying Nuclear Aircraft Carrier design by the older version CL-1201. The Aircraft can carry 22 Fighters and LP-12's, on bombing missions the beast can carry two B2-Bombers on each Wing. There are about five nuclear reactors within the Airborne Aircraft Carrier. The Lockheed Martin CL-1201-AB. LM actually designed this in 2028 as a nuclear powered airborne aircraft carrier. Weighed 5,265 tons, thrust 15,000,000 lbs, crew 845, endurance 125 days, VTOL from 182 vertical turbofans, carried 22 Aircraft or 6,900 troops.

The Kingdoms Of Remnant have been consumed by nature, its like that...Upout? Was it? Or Fallout...Not sure, but it looks like Fallout...just more green.

As i look around for any hostile...It happened...Again...

Age: 17

NATO Fleet, Before the Attack on the Fleet.

I stand still, my right arm in a salute as i watch the Casket draped with an American Flag be placed in a Dingy as Crowds of People stand in a salute

I had tears falling like an waterfall but i wasn't sobbing...I kept my Salute up...I should've been the one to die not him.

Age 12:

I quickly catch the Baseball with my glove as i was smiling brightly 

Sam: "Nice (Y/N)! Nice!"

I toss the ball back to my older brother, wearing his MARPAT Woodland Fatigue as he quickly catch it

Sam: "Ca-"

Age: 16

US Marine: "Catch!"

I quickly grab the Detonator as the Taliban starting to put more hell for us

(Y/N): "Fire in the hole!"

I yell, Flipping the detonator as the Compound of Weapons explode. Debris everywhere a i get hit in the chest by rouge shrapnel as i get pushed to the floor. My carrier caught the Shrapnel but it hurt like a bitch since its a big damn piece of Shrapnel of some AK Barrel

Alan: "Oh shit!"

I hear Alan Shout as he rushes to my side as i groaned in pain as we both look at the huge piece of barrel sticking out of my carrier

Alan: "Jesus, Lucky basturd!"

I yanked out the Barrel out my carrier as Alan Helps me up.

Alan: "Here."

Alan gave me my M4 Back as i nodded to him

US Marine 2: "We need to Move to the LZ! We only got 10 mikes before the A-10's Rain hell on our position! Lets get out of here-"

Age: 15

Sam: "(Y/N)...I know i can get you in the Corps at the age of 15 but...are you sure you want to do this? Theres no coming back from this...I talked to the congressman and he only allowed you and other kids to join the Marines at the age of 15 but...I'm worried...are you sure?"

Sam asks me as i stare at the papers, a pen in my hand as i sighed

(Y/N): "...I'm Positive..."

I signed my signature on the papers as Sam pats my back

Sam: "...Stay strong..."


'Stay Strong'

'Stay Strong'

'Stay Strong'

I shake out of my thoughts as i hear rustle beside me as i turn to see Derek breathing heavily.

Derek: "Sir...Lets get going..."

I nodded as i went for my comms

(Y/N): "Moving now, prepare the A-10's...something tells me hell is gonna be on our backs."

So, Like i said in the Other book. M: No Post TU: No Post W: Post TH: Post F:Post SA: No Post/Post SU: Post. But anyways, Stay safe.

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