Chapter 23: Devastation pt.1

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(Y/N)'s POV

Everyone in the helicopter stayed silent, shocked staring at the girls...Seeing them Alive.

Pilot: "We're landing now."

I quickly snapped out of the trance as we all turned to see the burning Los Angeles. Multiple Medical Tents with UN Flags and Logos all over it, and rows of body bags as Multiple National Guard, USMC, and UN Forces stand guard at the FOB at Santa Monica Airport.

(Y/N): "John, Derek, stay with the girls. Alan Lets go!"

Me and Alan quickly exited the helicopter as it landed, we rushed through the tents and checkpoints, using our Advanced HUDs to our advantage as we quickly pinpointed the location of our Families. Me and Alan stop in front of a white medical Tent.

I pressed on a few buttons on my Wristpad as Alan did the same, our Exo Suits disengage as we both took off our headgear and Plate carrier, Only leaving our paddings and Gloves as me and Alan Looked at each other for a moment.

We gave each other a nod as we now slowly enter the tent. It reveals two hospital beds, wires on the ground, multiple machines, and the four Figures sleeping.

Samantha's POV

I lay down on the Hospital bed beside the unconscious Joseph as Frost mimicked my actions earlier. Shortly after Joseph and Everest slept, they both fell into an Coma. The doctors are still trying to find out why but they found some sort of chemical in the bullets inside both Joseph's and Everest's Body...

I keep trying to sleep but i can't. I'm worried about Joseph and (Y/N) After the Attack Joseph became distant and scared...

I then felt tears strolling down my face, I'm afraid for my Family...

I then felt someone sat down on the edge of the bed, feeling a gloved hand being placed on my cheek and wiping the tears off as i open my eyes confused. I look at the man in question to see...

Samantha: "...(Y/N)!!!"

I shout in surprise as i quickly pounce on him, hugging him tightly as he returned the hug as we embraced each other. I start to breakdown, burying my face on his shoulder as i sob loudly and crying.

(Y/N): "I'm here...Let it all out...I Got you."

Crystal's POV

I stare in Awe at the sights of the modern and advanced City of Earth, it was beautiful.

Tilly: "So this is Earth...Its beautiful..."

Tilly says, ever since the UWO-...Ever since the Coalition arrives in Remnant, i finally felt peace with my former enemies as we continue to stare at the large skyscrapers of this Earth City. Then our eyes turn to the Multiple Injured being carried and helped by UN-US Military Personal.


(Wait we have two Monicas, One is Alan's Lover and One is (Y/N)'s Daughter...How will this work?

Co Author: Uhhhh Dark Arts.


"Its Horrible...Most of them are young."

Monica says as i nod at her statement...They are young.

Zara: "I could only imagine what they went through."

Zara mutters silently.

Then they finally noticed they are being eyed by Multiple Military personal, all of them having curiosity, confusion, and surprised. 

Crystal: "...Wait, did they say we we're supposed to be dead?"

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