Chapter 18: Infected or Human?

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(Y/N)'s POV

As My team and Team...RWBY? Continue our walk, we were all silent of what happened earlier. Alan must have a mix of emotions as he now had his visor down. The Remnant Leaders were confused and...sad? But we continue our walk to the Objective.

I glanced at Crystal, she resembles Ruby So much...But here eyes were mine, our eyes were the same color.

I then turn back to the forest in front of us as we continue our march to the Objective area. CIA Team left as quickly as they could since...they are CIA, but...Alan must have it hard. Hell he is gonna have a hard time explaining to Frost and Alicia. But Everest always wanted a sibling so...Win win? 

I raised my Wrist Pad as i activated the Holographic map. The map showed up 3D In my HUD as i look at our current location to the Objective. Couple hundred Meters our so we are getting close. 

Then, our radios blared, audible to the team as the announcement...shocked us all.

US Comms Unit: "All Units, We have the targets. We have the Targets, team RWBY Is secured and Alive. Red, White, Yellow, And Black are in stable condition. We got them."

Crystal: "WAIT WHAT?!?!"

The Remnant leader turned to us as we froze in our tracks. I glanced at Alan, Derek, and John in shock. We already found them that fast? Then...memories started flooding in...the Rape...the Abuse...the Sex...Everything...


Ruby: "Why are you my brother?"

Summer: "You fucking worthless bag of shit. I'm glad your just a sex slave and not my son."

Tai: "FUCK YOU!"

...No...No...Not that...Not that too...

Sergeant Bishop: "JACKSON TAKE THE SHOT!!!"

Private Hector: "JACKSON! HELP-AGHHHHH!"


Private Reeve: "FUCK SHIT! (Y/N) GET DOWN I GOT YOU!"

Captain Jakoby: "...Why did they let children in the corps...I don't want any innocent hurt."

I quickly snapped out of it as i shook my head, my Voice changing option on as always making sure These...girls don't know who i really am.

(Y/N): "Congrats on your mother's survival, now lets get a move on we are sitting ducks."

I Ordered them as me and my team started to walk, the girls falling behind in shock and in a mix of emotions. Alan glanced at me, even though he had the head gear on i know he looked worried. He was like a second Brother to me, From hell to back. 

Derek: "CONTACT!"

Immediately we all turned in front to see...Infected...Holding spears, bows, and swords? There was 23 of them and they wore tribal clothing, the recognizable black crystals attached to there skins, white skin, and black veins. All of them were woman. We quickly aimed our weapons at them with the girls following our lead as we were quickly surrounded by them.

Alan: "Fuck there on my six."

John: "They are around me."

Derek: "We're surrounded."

My team says while the girls where in shock, seeing the infected...being Human. There red eyes can be seen as they glow.

???: "Who are you people?!?! And why have you come to our lands?!?!"

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