Chapter 19: The Lost Unit pt.1

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Don't own any images (except the SFM Pics which i will clarify that i own it like the one above this text) and Videos within this chapter

(Y/N)'s POV

As we follow the Leyla's group multiple questions run through my head. Why aren't they feral? How are they talking? Did the virus mutated or was this a different side of the virus? 

But, i focused on the Mission. The Pilot.

As we enter a huge clearing, we see a tribal village, more infected run around like human doing daily tasks, children play across the field, farmers was peaceful to say the least for a bunch of infected.

Leyla: "My people have not seen people like you wearing those...things, so do not be alarmed if they are defensive or afraid."

Leyla says without turning around as i signaled my squad to keep an eye out. As we started to walk in the village, everywhere we go it turned silent as the infected stare at us in awe, confusion, defensively, or fear. I ignore the looks we are getting as i looked around for any possible dangers, hidden weapon stashes, IED's, an ambush...yet again they have tribal weapons to defend themselves so IED's won't be a problem. I also noticed there were only a few men and more women.

Leyla's group started to part as they enter to some hunts while we steal followed Leyla.

We stopped in front of a huge hut, which seems to be in the middle of the village. It had hay for the ceiling, walls were thick wood and grass.

Leyla: "My Village masters are inside with your pilot."

Leyla says as she rushes out of our view as we all glanced at each other confused. We shrugged about it and enter the Hut while the girls stayed behind, as we enter the first thing that caught our eye is the Pilot, he was still in his flight suit and gear and he appeared to be knocked out. The second thing was...Humans...Wearing old U.W.O. Jumpsuits and Tribal accessories...All Women. They were sitting down Indian style surrounding the Pilot as they all turned to us.

Alan: "UWO Contact on site."

Alan says through comms as one of them, a white female approaches us.

???: "Ummm...Crap its been awhile since i did this...Chieftain- I mean Sergeant Zonya Grayson, uhhh...UWO Task Force."

She says saluting us as i returned the salute.

(Y/N): "Major (Y/N) Jackson, 1st Expeditionary force of Coalition Forces in Remnant. FORECON, Former U.W.O."

I say as we both lowered our arms.

(Y/N): "What's the status on my pilot?"


Location: Camp Pendleton, Remnant Staging Area

Adrian Shephard's POV

I was sitting down on a chair as i place new rounds onto my Magazine, we went back to Earth To refill on Ammunition. We learned about the Terrorists Attack and the Battle of Earth in Orbit, but we were being sent back to Remnant. As i finished loading an Magazine, Victoria came up beside me holding two cups of coffee in her hand. I was being moved to a Team, all i know that the team leader was General Jackson's Younger brother, and Victoria was too.

Victoria: "Here."

I took a the cup of coffee as i thanked her. I removed my headgear placing it on a nearby table as i took a sip of the hot black coffee as she next to me on a chair while sipping hers.

Victoria: "So Adrian...Erm..."

I turned to her, she had a small blush on her cheeks as i waited for her to finish her sentence. I never really felt love, i was an orphan, the Marines is My Family...But i love her.

Victoria: "Do you maybe want to...Have dinner...When we have leave?"

She asks me nervously and shyly as a formed smile crept on my face. She never changed, she was still shy, nervous, and innocent as well...I wonder how someone like that became Black Ops Assassin.

Adrian: "Of course Vic."

I told her as i gave her a small kiss on her forehead as she blushed furiously, her face redder than a tomato. I just chuckled at her cute reaction as i took another sip of the coffee she gave me.

I was glad i met her again

(Co Author: *Planning to write Victoria and Adrian lemon while she starts planning John and Kay Lemon*

I'm gonna be Honest with you, your one lucky bitch that Delta gave you the green light for a lemon. Just don't traumatize him, try to make it...sweet and romantic not rough and...all that other shit.



Co Author: Katie dared us to switched roles remember?

Oh fuck...Shit...We'll do it next chapter-Wait, did you just typed her real nickname Kelly?

Co Author:...Yes Nate

...Shit, she gonna be pissed when she comes back to Wattpad after going to vacation)

US Navy Seal: "BREACHED!"

One of the seals yelled out as they rush in one of the Bunkers in Verdansk. They were ready this time for the chemicals, wearing highly defensive gas masks as the twenty man team breached in. As they enter Barkov was caught off surprise but before he could do anything, he was gun downed by the Seal.

US Navy Seal: "Barkov KIA. Moving to locate Perseus."

The male seal says as the team splits up, looking around for any clue.

US Navy Seal 2: "What the hell is this?"

All the seals turned to the one who spoke as the Seal held an odd Mask in his hand.

But before anyone could realized, laser like rounds started to fly to the Seals as they were quickly overwhelmed and fell back.

Perseus can be seen smirking as she finally made some new allies...In the Form of the Combine Empire that has brain washed the Atlas Warship that escaped Remnant before the Nuclear strikes.

The Mask that the Seal held can be seen on the ground. Its visor was glowing blue as the unknown Combine soldiers started to secure the bunker before the US Air force could level it to the ground.

 Its visor was glowing blue as the unknown Combine soldiers started to secure the bunker before the US Air force could level it to the ground

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