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(Sorry, no chapter for today but i can introduce New Members. Just tell me if i should put them in (Y/N)'s squad, an OC Squad, or there own squad)

(Dont own any images or videos)

In a far and hot plain desert. The sun over the desert just adding the heat. There can be seen two men in MARPAT Desert Fatigues, no Kevlar vest, No helmet, nothing. The only thing on them is a rifle bag and a Standard Issue Rifle as they continue to crawl through the desert.

U.S. Comms: "Swofford, Troy, come in."

The two men stop, hearing the radios as the groan in frustration.

Swofford: "What is it?"

Swofford: "What is it?"

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U.S. Comms: "You Scout snipers are being moved to a Remnant Squad, congratulations."

As soon as the man says that, it reveals that the environment was a Digital 3d Hologram as it deactivates, revealing a training center for Scout Snipers.

Troy: "HELL YEAH!"

The two men gave each other an high five, finally being deployed to Remnant

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The two men gave each other an high five, finally being deployed to Remnant.


An Army Ranger captain can be held as Multiple Army Rangers, 101st Airborne, and Normal Army Infantry rush out of there landing craft, Exo suits on and ready for battle while gunfire can be heard but oddly no impacts.


The same Captain yells to an 101st Airborne Soldier as he responds with.



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But before they could rush further

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But before they could rush further...

U.S. P.A. System: "Cease Simulation, repeat, Cease Simulation."

The thousands of US Army personal quickly stop as the gunfire stops. Its now revealed that it was another training area with a Artificial Made Ocean.

U.S. P.A. System: "Can Captain Miller and Private Ryan Report to the General's Office. Thank you."

(Alright thats it for now, more characters will be added soon. Sorry that theres no Chapter today the Co Author had other business in her stories so she could not assist me but it will all go back to normal. Once again, stay safe. Out.

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