Chapter 12: We are not your Enemy pt.1

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(I don't own any pictures or videos)

(Y/N)'s POV

Me and Alan slowly stood up with our hands raised as team...RWBY? Aimed my old weapons at me as the same thing happens to the US Forces. Marines, Rangers, Soldiers, and Seals had there arm raise as strict order from command told us to not Kill or harm any Remnant's Population since the population must've been decreased from the Nuclear Strike. Remnant Armed forces Forced everyone to drop there weapons as everyone did as ordered, not wanting to cause a war and probably extinct Remnant. I stare at the face of...Lets call her Ruby for now, i stare at Ruby as me and Alan's arm remain raised.

(Y/N): "...We are not your Enemy...Let us explain...We aren't here to cause harm..."

I told them as there gazes shift to me.

Ruby?: "...Then where did you get the weapons, gear, and...those things...You know carrying the Weapons of the UWO Is a crime."

She told me as Me and Alan look at each other, confused. Before turning back.

(Y/N): "...Even when the owner of the weapons hold it? Please, let us explain. We aren't trying to destroy Vale, Atlas, Mistral, or Vacuo."

I told her as they tilt there heads at me, confused as hell.

Ruby?: "...Those Four Kingdoms we're extinct when at the end of the UWO's War."

She told me as the realization kicked in. The four kingdoms we're all hit from the Nuclear strike. And since most of the soldiers wear four different armor and colors, i guess they are at war.

(Y/N): "...We are UWO Forces."

Alan quickly turns to me while establishing his Private Communications with me.

Alan: "(Y/N)! The fuck you doing!"

I turned my Comms to private again.

(Y/N): "We can tell them later, besides. We are former UWO."

I told Alan as i turn off the comms turning back to the four women, they had skeptical looks at us then quickly turns to anger.

Then i realized what Alan Meant....

'...They think we are faking ourselves as UWO...Shit.'

Meanwhile Back at Earth.

US News Reporter: "-We have confirmed that Hong Kong was hit by a Nuclear strike by China and the nuclear strike also effecting the nearby United States Naval Base. Killing about 5912 Service men and injuring 8910. Protests has erupted across the Country as More People wanted the US to Officially Join the War at different sides. A few would want to Join the Chinese side, A few would want the US and it Allies combatting both Russian And Chinese, while majority wanted to side with the Russians and Destroy the Chinese Government. While no Decision has been made yet, US and Coalition Forces are now boosting security around its border after U.S. Air Force fighters intercepted an Unidentified Flying object. Believing to be another Chinese Aircra-"

UK News Reporter: "We have reports of multiple Meteor Shower hitting the english Channel, but what caught astronomers of guard is that the Meteors appear to be mechanical. While this is happening the British Prime Minister has ordered all Flights from great Britain to Europe to be ceased until the Meteor shower is over. In Other News US and Bri-"

Canadian News Reporter: "Across the country, people are reporting Lights in the sky. One even said that its Aliens. The Government has no official statement within the Spotting's since it is busy dealing with the Russian-Chinese War in Asia and Europe-"

(Co Author: ...Wait...are you...

Oh Hell Yes.

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