Visions: Everest's Nightmare

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Everest's POV

Everest: "D-Daddy?"

I call out, walking through an Burning USMC Base...I think it was Called Pendleton. I walk by destroyed cars, guns, and people wearing Something Like Daddy's Uniform s they lay there...I don't want to think about it but...i think there...De-

Alan: "E-Everest..."

I voice calls out which i quickly recognize it was Daddy's as i see him, he had a big wound on his chest and was coughing blood.

Everest: "DADDY!!!"

I screamed. Rushing to his side as i quickly wrapped my arms around him as i start to cry.

Everest: "D-Daddy! What happened?!?!"

I asks him as he hugs me back while coughing as i felt...blood spray on my face from his coughs.

Alan: "Sweetheart...You gotta get out of here now...Go back to your mother..."

He tells me as i bury my face against his shoulder, refusing to leave him behind.

Everest: "N-No!"

He pats my back as i continue to cry on his shoulder

Alan: "Your a very smart and brave girl Sweetheart...I-I...I'm proud of you...I...I Love you-"


I felt a pain on my back as i scream in pain as i let go of Daddy, falling to the ground experience so much pain as i felt blood pour through the new hole on my back as i start to cry more.

(Oh Boy...i think most of the readers are in rage at this point when they know how Everest looks like)

Alan: "NO!"

I watch Daddy pull out a small gun as he quickly squeezes the trigger, a bullet going to someone's head...Wearing a dress like Red riding Hood as she dodges it running away from my Daddy. My vision becomes blurry as i could only hear

Black Hawk Pilot: "We have visual on you Lt. Reeve, hang in there. We'll airli-"

Alan: "NO! Don't take me! Take My Daughter! Please!"

Black Hawk Pilot: "...Sir, you know what happens when your a POW Of those...Women right?"

Alan: "...I'll take the risk..."

I start to hear a helicopter as i felt myself get picked up.

Then i hear another bang as i felt a hole hit my leg. I start to scream more in pain as i hear more bangs.

Alan: "Hang in there baby! Almost there!"

I hear Daddy's voice as my vision clears up to see i am being carried from Daddy as he starts to bleed more.

Alan: "I got you baby! I got you!"

I start to see the Helicopter as i see Uncle (Y/N) Holding his big gun and firing it.

(Y/N): "Alan! We gotta go no-"

I hear another bang as i see a huge hole appear on Daddy's chest as i can see through it as blood sprays out of it.

Alan: "...Take care of my Family..."

I quickly get picked up by (Y/N) As Daddy falls to the ground

Everest: "NO! DADDY!!!"

He then mouths the last thing before my vision turns black.

'...I love You.'

I scream, sitting up my bed as tears fall from my eyes. As i start to cry loudly, placing my hands against my eyes as i start to cry more.

Frost: "Everest!?!?"

Alan: "Honey?!?!"

I hear the shouts of my Parents as i see the lights turn on outside my door with rushing shadows.

The door was flown off its hinges by A big kick from daddy as the door hits the window and flies off the window. Behind Daddy was Mommy holding her sword...Kakana? Katona? Katana?

Alan: "Everest! What's going on?!?!"

Daddy asks me as he quickly rushes to the side of my bed as i quickly latch on him, burying my chest on his shoulder.

I continue to cry on his shoulder as he pats my back

Alan: "Its okay Sweetheart...I got you...We're here..."

(No chapter today, just another Vision. I'll post a chapter tomorrow. Also like i said, "This Visions/Short chapters may sent some hints about future chapters."

Co Author: Wait, does that mean Everest gets shot.

Well yes of course she will-...I pissed of the Everest sympathizers did i?

Co Author: Yup, now since your busy about them. I can finally post a lemon


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