Chapter 8: Second Battle Of Beacon pt. 2

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(Resuming where we left off at Chapter 3)

(Y/N)'s POV

As my eyes widen, staring back at a Girl who looks like Ruby stare back at me in shock as we both lay on the ground, our gazes on to each other

Alan: "Watcher! Watcher! Get that fucking cloaking Device on now! Multiple X-Rays are moving to your position!"

I hear Alan Scream through my Comms and Radio as both me and...Ruby? Snap out of it as we hear howls of the Grimms in the Distance


I saw someone wearing something similar to the Vale State Guard scream as he was pounced on the ground by a Beowulf

My eyes widen as i quickly stand up grabbing my Rifle off the ground as i quickly aimed and squeezed the trigger at the Grimm, releasing a three round burst as it fell to the ground

John: "USS Desmond Doss! We need air Support now! I need A-11's in the sky now!!!"

I heard John yell through the comms as i was the first into battle before any of Remnant's survivors could respond, i rushed towards the battle, my Exo suit making me faster as i reached the Battle to see thousands of Grimm rushing towards the Remnants of Beacon

(Y/N): "Demon Walker, Provide Covering fire now!"

I yelled through the comms as i quickly lifted my rifle, squeezing the trigger as Grimm start to fall one by one by the modified 5.56 round the left my Rifle

As i kept firing i started to hear gunshots from Dust rifle as i look behind me to see all of the Remnant...Soldiers? Fight along side me, of course the Dust they fire wasn't strong as my rifle but still, they can still kill the Grimm

As i kept firing, gunning down the Grimm's i see as they fall dead on the ground, blood comes out of the new holes they earned for rushing a Marine. I heard a New voice talk through the Comms

"Hellfire, Hellfire. I repeat Hellfire, Hellfire. Danger close."

'Hellfire...OH SHI-'

My thinking was cutoff with this


I watch a huge chunk of the Grimm forces turn into mist as a fast shadow flew above me as i look up to see...A-11 Thungerhog

"Good hit, Good Hit

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"Good hit, Good Hit. Going for an second Run."

I smirk at the beautiful sight of that Plane as it goes for another run

"This is Mactavish, i am in position."

"Disciple 6 On Route."

"Team Metal moving to position."

"This is HECU Foxtrot-Yankee-6. We have landed on LZ Finch and On route."

"This is Foxtrot-Two-November, lets do this."

"Moving to Hostiles, Rangers lead the way lets move!"

"Recon Team, checking in."

"Ramirez! Move up!"

"This is Karim, moving up."

"Death from Above is our motto."

"This is Viper 6, covering Marines."

Alan: "All Units...Weapons free."

(What a beautiful plot twist, anyways sorry but gonna have to cut it short again My co Author is getting antsy and wants to write a damn lemon with all the New characters im shoving in, anyways stay safe, take care. Out.)

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