Memory File - 1 (Short chapter and lemon T-T)

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It was a snowy Day in New York. In One certain Condo a teen wearing a Gray Jacket, Jeans, And sports shoes was holding a Baby wrapped around a white towel as the Baby wails, the teenager attempting to calm it down.

Sam: "Come on, (Y/N). I'm here Its okay, calm down."

The Young Sam says as steps can be heard coming from a bedroom as a Man, Wearing a white shirt, Jeans, And Tactical boots with a small forming Beard approaches the Teen.

Dan: "I see your Little brother is giving you a hard time eh?"

The Father of the brothers ask as he took the Crying baby to his arm, beginning to calm it down.

The man turns a bit to the Bedroom, while still carrying the baby.

Dan: "Baby, Late na ikaw! Ano ginagawa mo?" (No translation, figure it out. But i have a feeling some of my readers are Pinoy's (Filipinos)...You know what, Imma be fair with Yall. Translation: "Baby, Your late! What are you doing?"

The American Man asks to his Filipino wife as a groan was heard in the Bedroom with a response of "Saan ang purse ko babe?" (Where's my Purse babe?)

Dan: "Ang purse mo sa Kotse na! Ano ginagawa mo, late na ikaw!" (Your purse is in the car already! What are you doing, your already late!)

The man says as the Woman wearing a suit. with glasses exits the bedroom and was about to leave but not before giving the boys kisses on the foreheads as she left.

Dan: "Wish your mom luck on her interview Sam, she's gonna tak-

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(We're gonna go POV For this one)

Daniel Jacks- "Alex"s POV

Its been a few Months ever since the Portal Collapsed, I was back with the CIA SAD, My Mission was to track down Gas stolen From the General Barkov (If you haven't read the prequel yet, Daniel Jackson is "Alex" From modern Warfare 2019).

I was Currently with Commander Karim, or Farah. The dark night was glooming above Urzikstan as i silently smoke while looking down, sitting down on the edge of my bed that Farah's Militia gave me. I still can't forget about Sam's death but...There's no way coming back from it-

Farah: "Alex?"

I looked up to see Farah, she was wearing her normal clothes. Just without the gear. She had a concern look on her as i got a bit confused.

Alex: "Yeah Farah?"

I ask her, she walked and sat next to me as i turned to her.

Farah: "Alex, that look. I've seen it before, what happened?"

She asks me as i sigh, looking down.

Alex: "...I can't talk about my personal Farah, you know that."

I told her as i look at her.

Ever since we were working together i formed a small friendship between Farah and I...Its just i have this other feeling i haven't felt ever since i lost my wife...Is it love... (Wait...They are supposed to be in love but why the fuck is the next part...Wait...No, No, No! The Co Author is writing this part! Fuck no! Stop! Stop! Fucking stop you moron the readers aren't ready yet!

Co Author: You will never stop me! I need lemons!!!


I turned to her as our eyes locked and we hadn't noticed as i stare back at her beautiful eyes.

(*Starts praying in Latin out of fear of what is about to Happened*

Co Author: Finally! My time to shine!)

I haven't noticed but...Our faces we're getting closer.

(I'm getting sued by Activision for this, i just fucking know it. Thank you very much you fucking animal

Co Author: Your welcome!)

Our lips met as we both closed our eyes, i placed my hand into her cheek as she places her hand on my shoulder. Soon after a few minutes we parted as we look at each other in the eyes. Farah then pushed me onto my bed while she sat on top of me.

(Co Author: *In a Horrible Kevin Hart impression* Its about to go down.

This is Heresy, you fucking Heretic. Burn in hell. After Jerusalem they are going for you.)

She continued our kissing, this time both of our tongues dueling with each other as she won, because i gave it to her. She started to explore my mouth while moaning. We parted for air with a gasp as our saliva's connected as we stare at each other again.

(Can we skip the lemon, can we just assume they had sex and not show it? No one asked for this.

Co Author: NO.)

 She started to unbutton her top as i took off my shirt. She took off her Top, exposing her breasts as i start to fiddle with it. She took off her bottom exposing her cunt and hole.

(...Why, Just...why? You made it worse by actually saying the real thing instead of saying her "fruit" or some shit. Just why?

Co Author: Well, i wanted it to be more realistic


...*Grabs tablet*

Verify Passcode.

US Nuclear Command: Passcode Verified.)

She quickly unbuttoned my pants, pulling it down along with my boxers as my *Ahem* Sausage

(I hate you so much

Co Author: I know)

Hits her face as she smirks at the size, she climbed on top of me. Positioning her cunt to my Willy as she looks at me. She slowly lowers herself down as she moans loudly while i grunt out of pleasure. Her tight insides squeezing my Wiener. She started to move slowly, up and down as she moans more.

(Where the fuck is that Tactical Nuke...)

Then she started to move faster as she moans loudly, the beautiful Urzikstan Woman on me as we let the night progress. Wet slaps and moans can be heard as Hadir wakes up and knows what is happening as he smirks.

Hadir: "That's my Sister."

(Co Author: "Fine! I'll stop here! Since you begged for it.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You gave the readers PTSD and Depression. This was supposed to be a short chapter explaining what happened during the years after the portal collapsed in different Views and POV's, but you turned this into a lemon chapter. Anyways.

*Proceeds to pour bleach into my eyes*

Who needs bleach?)

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