Chapter 21: The Lost Unit pt. 3

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(Don't own any images and videos)

(Y/N)'s POV

I silently observe the occasion on a nearby as i kept getting glances by Everyone from the tribe for some reason...Its weird...

As i continue to Clean my Rifle i see Alan Approaching me then sitting beside me.

Alan: "So, what are your thoughts in this situation?"

Alan asks me while making sure his headgear is secured.

(Y/N): "Its weird...The UWO Doesn't want to leave, even though there Families are confirmed to be alive and they call this rip off version of an Vietnam War Village Home."

I told Alan, not turning away from the scene.

Alan: "Well its gonna get a lot worst. Derek and John told me that they found out Leyla is gonna Marry You."

My eyes went wide as i quickly turn to Alan in shock

(Y/N): "You better be bullshitting me, I just met that woman and we only had one conversation."

I told Alan as he shook his head.

Alan: "Well, it turns out that she's the Heir for the Village Chieftan and she is allowed to pick any Men by force to be her Husband...Actually more like Sex Slave. Its a custom in there who knows the fact the religion they worship."

Alan told me as i chuckle in disbelief, rubbing my forehead frustrated.

(Y/N): "Fucking hell...And the girls?"

I ask Alan as we both turn to the Remnant leaders, seeing them keep staring at each other with hate.

Alan: "Same as always...But i hope we can get there asses off our Squad for once since we found team RWBY."

Alan told me as i gave a slight nod...That's until...The Incident.

The Night Before the Escape of the Xia Long-Rose Household

'Okay...everything is prepared. Just need to make sure that no one sees me at night.'

I thought, making sure the gun in my hand was clean and ready to shoot. I heard the Basement doors open as i quickly hide the Gun back in the hole, covering it with a brick as i look at the stairs of the basement revealing the young Ruby wearing...Nothing...Oh No...

Ruby was covered in bruises and cuts. She had tears rolling down her eyes as she sobs quietly. Multiple red markings at her bottom areas which resembles a hand print.

(Y/N): "Ruby..."

I mutter as she quickly hugs me tightly and starts crying on my shoulder. I returned the hug, shocked at her current position.

Ruby: "(Y-(Y/N) I can't...I can't...they told me to do What Yang did to you...But i can't...I can't...T-Then Daddy started t-to...Strip my clothes off me an-And-"

I cut her off, hugging her more tightly trying to calm my Little sister which i hate but i knew deep down that Ruby still loved me and was forced to do her actions.

(Y/N): "Its don't need to tell me...Once I'm gone...Everything will go back to normal for you-"

Ruby: "NO IT WONT!"

Ruby screamed at me as she hugs me more.

Ruby: "No it wont...I love you (Y/N)...I don't want to loose my Brother..."

Ruby says as i start to suspect that this may be a trick to lower my alarm...but...they injuries she has are too real...

(Y/N): "...It Will."

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