Chapter 7: The Second Battle Of Beacon Pt.1

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(Y/N)'s POV
(dont own any images or videos)
As we stopped at the edge of thee Tree line my eyes widen seeing the multiple People on Beacon's grounds along with UWO Memorial and Grave site

(Y/N): "What the Fuck..."

Alan: "Jesus..."

Derek: "Christ, That's a lot of Civilians..."

John: "Holy Shit that's a lot of people..."

Kay: "Why do men Always curse -_-"

We all mutter our comments as i turn to Alan, nodding at him.

(Y/N): "I'm gonna get a better look, hold position. Alan, your in charge."

Alan: "Copy that."

I'd lift up my left arm staring at the Datapad as i let my right hand hover above the Cloaking Activation Button.

I'd let my Right hand press on the button as i see the advanced camouflaged surrounds me instantly

I sighed, as i start to walk towards the Remnants Of Beacon

Beacon was filled with holes, Burnt UWO And Beacon Vehicles surround it. The Tower of beacon lay on the ground destroyed and burnt. The Very same launching pads for the initiation was turned into a large Trench systems during the Grimm-UWO War.

As i continue my walk i finally reached the Entrance of the Decayed Academy, the crowds and crowds of people were talking amongst each other as i continue my walk, making sure i don't bump in anyone.

USS Desmond Doss's POV

Radio Operator: "This is the USS Desmond Doss, we have successfully entered Remnant

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Radio Operator: "This is the USS Desmond Doss, we have successfully entered Remnant. Proceeding with main objective, Over."

U.S. Coalition Command: "Copy that Desmond Doss, maintain objective. Task Force 141 and Task Force Omega will be joining shortly along assistance with Shadow Company and for the Nuclear Problem...

the H.E.C.U. Over."

Radio Operator: "Copy that, USS Desmond Doss Out."

Corporal Adrian Shephard's POV (I added him and HECU Since Valve hasn't made a game with Shephard for over 20 years or some shit)

Captain Quill: "LISTEN UP MARINES! You are all Tasked to Assist the Joint Operation Task Force In remnant! You will be handling with the Red virus and the Grimm infection before this shit goes worse like the Black Mesa Incident. (P.s. Black Mesa happened in 2028 and the Combine invasion never happened) This will not be the same Remnant we left off in 2027, this Earth rip off turned into the fucking nuclear apocalypse and the fuckers we left off may be different. You will be using V-33 Osprey's and White Hawks as your primary vehicles when entry. Those who are sick may be a risk and you are clear to kill them when they show the slightest of aggression. Remember Marines, this isn't like training. We are in Threatcon Delta. Now, MOVE UP MARINES!"

HECU Marines: "HOORAH!!!"

I rushed out of the tent to see the osprey's powering up

Sergeant Parker: "RECON TEAM! CHECK IN!"

(Wow, what a fuckin' plot twist boys, Anyways gotta cut this short, My co Author is craving to write lemons so

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(Wow, what a fuckin' plot twist boys, Anyways gotta cut this short, My co Author is craving to write lemons so...yeah, everyone get ready for next chapter...Wow, first we got COD Now Half Life Marines...I wonder what is next...)

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