Chapter [REDACTED]: The Pheonix in the wild

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U.T.F. (United Terrorist Front) Safehouse, Tokyo, Japan, Earth.

Miho's POV

Miho: "BREACH!"

I yelled as i watch Roseship kick the door down as i quickly rush in with my Rifle raised. I quickly gundowned Two hostiles in a second as they all fall to the ground. Maho quickly came up behind me followed by the rest of my Team as we now stack up on the stairs.

Miho: "This is Banshee. First floor secured, moving to second deck. Over."

I say through comms as i recieved back from a male voice around his 30's in an American accent.

Command: "Be advised. We may have possible non combatants within the second deck. Watch your shots. Over."

The man says as i responded with a 'Copy'

Then a man quickly appeared up the stairs aiming at me with an old AK 47. But before any of us could pull a trigger a bang can be heard as the Terrorist falls to the ground, a sized hole in the side of his head.

Kay: "This is Texas. Tango down. Over."

I smirked hearing the familiar voice as i went up to my comms

Miho: "Your Late."

I told her as i hear a chuckle and a response.

Kay: "You know i like to make an Entrance."

We quickly rushed up the stairs as Anzu quickly pulled me down as i look at her confused. She then points at the small tripwire above my head which i was about to step in and to see it was rigged onto an Semtex.

Miho: "Fuck that was a close call...I thought I'll see my fucking Brother in Remnant not here."

Location: Langley, CIA HQ.

???: "Due to some problems. We had to move Pheonix to Earth Task Force for now. Adler and her team are sent to Make Contact with Bell."

A Male voice says as Multiple CIA Operators can be seen getting there gear on.

???: "The Operators Rainbow sent only found one survivor from the Gas Attack, his Gas Mask was on the verge of giving him. He was lucky."

Then a two people came in wearing suits as the CIA Operators saluted.

???: "President Whitmore and Vice President Kirkman! Its glad to have you back in Langley."

Whitmore: "Its always a pleassure Bishop."

Kirkman: "Lets get down to business shall we?"

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Kirkman: "Lets get down to business shall we?"

Kirkman: "Lets get down to business shall we?"

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Everest's POV

I walk through a black void, i was scared and i was crying and sobbing. I just kept walking trying to find anyway out.

Everest: "M-M-Mommy?!?! D-Daddy?!?! W-Where are you?!?!"

I screamed, begging to see mommy or Daddy again...I miss them...

Alan: "EVEREST!"

I hear echoes of Daddy screaming as i felt a glimmer of hope.

Everest: "D-Daddy?!?!"

I ask again, hope filling inside me until...


I now hear him scream as all of the sudden, he just appeared out of nowhere laying down on the black void. Blood was all over him, his eyes wide open, blood dripping from his tattered clothing as my eyes went wide.

Everest: "...DADD-

I scream, sitting up as i start to cry heavily as i felt myself on a bed. I was quickly hugged by a pair of arms as i now look to see it was Mommy.

Frost: "Oh thank god your alright! Its okay sweetie mommy is here."

Mommy tells me as she wipes the tears off my face.

There was bandages wrapped all over my body. My arms, legs, forehead, waist, and...everywhere.

Everest: "Whe-*Sniffs*-Wheres daddy?"

I ask Mommy as she sighs, she then gave me a reassuring smile.

Everest: "Daddy is still working...He will be home soon...I promise."

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