Chapter 10: Second Battle Of Beacon Pt. 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

I kept on firing onto the horde as More A-11's Fly overhead and more drop pods land. The Remnant main Force retreated back as it was only US-Coalition Forces holding the line as more and more gun fire erupt.

HECU Are still on route to destroy the South Nest so we could stop this battle, My Squad was still at the opposite tree line providing cover for us, And the Main Battle force comprising of US Military Personal, TF141, Shadow Company, Task Force Dagger, Some NATO Unit, US Armor, US Armored Carrier Personal, US Air Units, And US Special Forces ranging from JSOC, MARSOC, DEVGRU, Etc.

The Main Force was gonna take awhile to reform and position up for the portals. But the US Military Personal seems to be the Fastest to deploy and may be the first boots on the ground before the Other Factions.

But, to our advantages the USS Desmond Doss, USS Audie Murphy and USS Arlington, the three flying aircraft carriers, Are already in Remnant with the USS Ronald Reagan Strike group arriving soon at the port of Vale since the Updated Carrier was still used in sea.

The US Night Hawk special detachment Group Comprising of US Marines and US Rangers from the USS Desmond Doss and the USS Audie Murphy are a arriving soon. They'll be arriving with the White Hawk Helicopters, Night Hawk Combat Helicopter, And Black Hawk Specialized Armored Combat Helicopters. They'll be our Relief force so we can rearm and regroup and get back on the fight.

I watch Silently as an US Colonial Marine slide next to me while firing his Rifle at the Grimm.

Sgt. Johnson: "Get sum! Hell yeah! Major Jackson, where do you need me?"

He asks me as a rocket fly over us hitting the Grimm, taking out a large number as the A-11 Came to view, turning for another run.

A-11 Pilot: "Good Effect on target."

I hear the radio chatter from the pilot as i turn to him

(Y/N): "I want you to take some Snipers with you and set up a sniping position!"

I ordered him as he nodded, the Black American lighting a cigar before rushing out as two US Marines carrying heavy caliber rifles follow him.

'Jesus Christ...Those HECU Boys better get it done fast.'

Adrian Shephard's POV

I sat on the Osprey, waiting patiently as Marines sit down. Anxious and exited for Combat. The 'Thumps' Can be heard as i readied my M16A5, An Upgraded version of the M16A4 equipped with an ACOG Sight, M203 Grenade Launcher.

Daniels: "Hey Shephard i think Johnson here got the hots for you."

A voice calls out as i look up to see Cpl. Daniels pointing at Lance Cpl. Johnson as i chuckle a bit.

Johnson: "Very funny."

Johnson replies sarcastically as i shake my head at the Jokes.

As we wait for our arrival at this so called 'South Nest' a memory from the Black Mesa Incident flash before my eyes.

Few Years back

Black Mesa, New Mexico, USA.

I quickly Smash an Headcrab onto the floor with my wrench as it blood sprays all over me. I quickly grabbed my MP5 Off the ground, turning around tapping a Black Ops in the head as his blood sprays everywhere as he jolts back, falling to the ground dead. I Quickly see a Headcrab zombie (Black Mesa Guard) As i quickly pull out my Desert Eagle, Aiming at its head. Fired one shot as the crab dies along with the Host.

I quickly get tackled by the behind as i fell to the ground on my back to see...No one...Oh No.

A Black Ops Assassin turns off her Invisibility device, a Girl with NVG's and...Really...Really...tight...Black...Jumpsuit...Snap out of it!

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