Chapter 15: Operation Rebuild pt.2

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(Co Author: Hi! So...this is actually the first time i take charge of an Whole chapter but i kind of wished for this so...Wish me luck i guess? But don't worry, i won't add Any Lemons

I Highly doubt that.

Co Author: Okay...maybe a little. Anyways, enjoy!

Also another side note, i can't change what she writes so...fuck. But a deal is a deal)

(Don't own any Images or Videos)

Location: LAX, Los Angeles, United States Of America, Earth.

A few Hours after the Second Battle Of Beacon

It was a Normal Busy day in LAX. People getting checked out by the TSA. Armed LAPD Units Guard the airport in SWAT Gear, high alert for any Terrorist Attacks or Chinese Soldiers. People having a normal week.

Then, in a Small Café was Samantha, Frost, Joseph, and Everest. They Arrived at LAX and are waiting their flight back to there home.

Samantha and Frost was talking to each other while both Everest and Joseph was fast asleep on a nearby chair while they wait for their flight.


???'s POV

As i cocked the M249. Adjusting the vest i was wearing as the rest of my Brothers did the same.

??? 2: "Remember, No Americans Left Behind."

As our Leader says as he holds the old M4A1 Rifle in his arms.

But...this wasn't the only one.

Location: Moscow International Airport, Moscow, Russia, Earth.

Makarov: "Our brothers in the US Are now set, let us trigger the first attack."

Makarov says as the five men with him cocked their LMGs and rifles.

Makarov: "Remember, No Russian."

Location: CIA HQ, Langley, Virginia, United States Of America, Earth.

CIA Agent: "We have a confirmed hit! We manage to catch them in the CCTV's before the attack will start!"

An Agent yells as People rush around in a panic, The CIA Base aware of the upcoming Attacks.

CIA Site Director: "Give me the locations now!"

The Site director yells as another CIA Agent responds

CIA Agent 2: "Confirmed Locations are at London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Moscow, Manila, Seoul, Beijing, Berlin, Manchester, And Ottawa!"

The Agent says as the Site director's eyes widen.

CIA Site Director: "Alert the police units and the National guard now! Send the Info to the other agencies now! We need to move fast! Inform the President and Get me Adler on the line now!"

Location: LAX, Los Angeles, United States Of America, Earth.

Air Raid sirens blare out as Multiple LAPD SWAT Units swarm the Airport as Civilians run out of the airport. SWAT Helicopters swarm the Air above LAX as more Police Units arrived.

And not far from LAX, A Convoy of National Guard and State Guard Units are moving in heavily armed. 

Then, the Control tower of LAX Was engulfed in flames, explosions rang out as the elevator door opens...then all hell broke loose

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