Message from the Author

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Hey there readers I know I haven't been posting much. Last year was crazy and I had issues going on with some family health things but luckily everything is starting to turn around! During that time I have gotten so many kind comment about my writing and stories encouraging me to continue and that really help me through a very stressful situation. I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has read, commented, voted and shared my stories with friends.

What I have decided to do is put every story on hold except one, I will re-read what I have already posted and then start posting new chapters until I finish that story then I will move on to a another one. I will be starting with my book Married to Money (already started rereading it) and will hopefully have a new chapter posted sometime next week. After I finish Married to Money I will work on Destined to be Together, after that is finished I will work on Fortuitous Love. Once I finished all three of those stories I will started editing them and start new stories at the same time.Thank you for being so kind and patient with me!Much love,          J.Chamberlain

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