Chapter 40

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Stefan pov:

I stood in front of the Mikaelson Mansion for a good ten minutes before knocking on the door. When I did she opened it, her face changed from a smile to a scowl. "Are you stupid" She questioned me. She was standing in the doorway glaring at me in one of Klaus's shirts; I guess she was still missing him. Apparently she still hasn't come to grips with the fact that he is gone and not coming back. "Can you please put on something more appropriate" I asked. Though it was Klaus's shirt she was wearing and not mine she looked ridiculously sexy. "I'm just fine in this. What do you want?"

"You! I need you back in my life, you're my best friend. I love you Care. I know that what I did was wrong; I wasn't in my right head. Please Caroline forgive me and let me love you. He is dead I'm sorry but it is really sad that you are living in his home with his family waiting for something that's never going to happen."

"Stefan I am a part of this family. I would never stop waiting for him, I LOVE him." "I don't understand how you can have such unwavering love for someone so evil." Just then someone I never expected to see again walked through the kitchen archway. He walked over to Caroline and from behind her he wrapped his arms around her as he did she smiled into his arms enjoying his embrace. "Klaus" I snarled. "Hello mate. Question, don't you find it inhospitable to sexually assault your mates girl, then come to that same mates home which he shares with said girl and beg her to love him instead" Klaus asked me with that evil smirk of his. "Your back? How?" Caroline beamed and answered "I found him and brought him back."

"How did you do that?"

"With my blood of course" she answered as if I just asked the most obvious question you could ask. "Almost killed her too" Damon emerged from the kitchen stating. "But it didn't" Care added giving him a glare.

Klaus pov:

I could feel Caroline's sorrow oozing from her, this interaction needed to stop. "If you're not careful that blood bond will become permeate" Stefan warned her. She took my hand in her letting him know that even though the blood bond hadn't been completed we are still bonded. She is mine and I am hers. "That's none of your business" she shrieked at him. "It is because you are my friend."

"Was your friend" She reminded him. "I'll always be your friend" he told her, as those words left his lips her grip on my hand grew tighter. I stood in front of her "Stefan I do believe it is time for you to take your leave."

"I won't leave until she forgives me."

"Do you realize you attempted to have your way with MY girl and I haven't killed you yet? My patients are wearing thin and I do believe it is best if you would kindly exit my home." Damon whooshed to Stefan "brother it's time for us to go." Stefan was now out the door when Damon looked back and mouthed the word "sorry." We both gave him an understanding nod. I still dislike him for what he did to Caroline in the pass before she was a vampire but I know he regrets it and he had been such a good friend to her while I was gone and I wouldn't forget that either.

I looked at Caroline who hadn't move since I started talking "Love, are you ok?"

"I'm just having a little trouble controlling my magic right now" she informed me with deep breaths in between each word. I could see that she was losing this struggle so I need to do something to help her get her mind of it, to distract her. I grabbed her and pulled her face to mine, connecting our lips passingly. I slowly pulled back and stared into her glossy eyes. "WOW" she said "What was that for" she added. "I need to calm you down so your magic didn't explode."

"Well maybe I should get riled up more often" she said flirtatiously I took a step close to her , just then our door flung open and in the door way stood Stefan. His body was stuff unlike before when it was inverted and sad. I quickly stood in front of Caroline incase he was preparing to attack. His eyes glowed this blue light and in an almost robotic voice he said "trial two completed." And with that he was gone. Caroline looked at me and said "two down" with a long relieved exhale.

Hey guy I know its been awhile since I have posted and I am very sorry for that, its just my laptop is a bit old and sometime my buttons stick which makes it hard for me to type the chapters. I have about 3 more written in my note book and will get them posted as soon as I can. Sorry for the delays. Thank you for the reads and votes!


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