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     I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't help it. I need to know what they were talking about.

"Don't yell at me, it's my birthday" she said in a baby voice.

"I'm not here to yell at you but I do want to talk so take this first. Happy Birthday Caroline." He said handing her a squared wrapped package.

 "Stefan thank you." She said looking at the journal he had just received.

"In the 1920 a vampire friend gave me my journal and told me I should write it all down and maybe one day centuries from now it will be one of the greatest story's ever written, I don't think that is true for me but with your way with words I think yours could be." Stefan told her,I smile and listen closer.

"So what's going on with you and Klaus anyway?" My ears perk up hearing my name paired with hers. "What?"

 "Caroline don't give me that. You when on a late night stroll and then he rushes to your aid?"

"He came to help me because his sister asked him to and yes I took a walk with him, we had a nice chat. We are friends or a least it seem that we are becoming friends."

"Caroline He doesn't have friends, Klaus is a monster."

 "Maybe he has no friends because he did a few bad things and everyone turned on him? Stefan he has been nothing but kind to me until that stops I will continue to be his friend." She told him with a confident voice. It was really nice to have someone on my side ever tho he is right.

 "Care he has killed people."

 "We are vampires we've all killed."

 "Yes but our switch was off. His wasn't."

 "Stefan this is the last time I'm going to tell you I don't condone his actions but they are in the past, I will not condemn him for them. If I had listen to all the horrible thing you had done and decided not to see for myself we wouldn't be friends. Please trust my judgement, I can handle myself." She told him with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Have you heard from Tyler?" Stefan asked hr changing the subject.

She shook her head. "We were texting back and forth earlier can you believe he is actually mad at me? Last thing he said to me was happy birthday Care hope Klaus makes all your dreams come true." It was nice to hear that the little wolf was afraid of losing his girlfriend to me. I refocus back on the conversation.

 "Is that a possibility? You and Klaus?" Stefan asked.

"I don't know him enough to answer that plus I love Tyler we just need to learn how to control his anger."

      I shake my head and woosh home. I walk through the door and call for Rebekah. She comes from her room on the top of the stairs

"yes brother?"

 "What have you found out?"

 "Well nothing on who bit Caroline but I did find out that Tyler is sneaking around the woods with this little slut wolf."

 "I have to tell Caroline." I walk out the door. Rebekah appeared in front of me.

"Nik don't do it."

"You don't think she deserves to know sister?"

 "Of course I do, but not on her birthday and not by you. The term don't kill the messenger comes to mind. Think about it Nik how many people over the years have you killed for bring bad news? I know you like to act like you have no feelings but I can see you care for her and if you want her to reciprocate those feelings than don't tell her." I looked down to the ground knowing she is right. "I will tell Stefan tonight after we have celebrated her birthday and he will tell her and then you can be there for her." Rebekah reassures me.

      I go to my studio in the basement rage fills me and I start painting a fire filled landscape. I hear my name being called from the living room, I woosh up to see what was wrong. There stand Caroline in tears.

"Caroline?" I asked before I can get another word out her slams into me, crying harder once our bodies met.

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