Chapter 23

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A quick that you to Klaroline_4_life,ZeeMalofie, and klaroline-4ever for all the reads and votes!


I wooshed to the Salvatore's boarding house to speak with Elena. I know where the blood is but I don't want to just take it. "Caroline?" She questioned surprised. Damon looked around "Where your body guards Blondie?" Ignoring him "Elena can we speak in private?"

 "Of course" She answered as we walked up to her room. We closed the door behind us and I turn the music up loud so our conversation couldn't be listened in on. "Elena do you remember when we first learned about Stefan being a vampire and were worried if something happened to the town blood supply, So we hid some of our blood just in case?" I questioned her. "Yeah why?"

 "Well I need some of yours. I'm sure Stefan told you that if Klaus dies we all die being a part of his sire line. Well if he turns Tyler into a hybrid he won't be able to kill him without complete the transition they need to drink blood of the doppelganger."

"That is a really good plan Care, except for the fact that will make Tyler stronger and even angrier with you."

 "That's something I will have to deal with, but this is the only way to keep us all alive. So what do you say?"

 "Yes." I turned to leave "Caroline, thank you for asking, I know you didn't have to" she said with a smile. "Even though we aren't seeing eye to eye right now you are still my friend and I wouldn't do something like this without your blessing." 

I arrived back at the Mikaelson estate. "You got it?" Marcel questioned me. "Of course." Klaus, Elijah, and Kol join us in the parlor "Well well Caroline I didn't think you'd come up with us a edgy plan" Kol confessed. "Like I've said before I'd do anything for my friends."

"So what's the plan?" Marcel asked.

"I will be accompanying Caroline to the dance, which with sure anger the little wolf" Klaus started off "He will want to pull me aside he will say it's so we can talk but it's so he can hurt me. Right before he does Klaus is going to turn him." I finished. "And how do you plan on Klaus just knowing that you're in trouble?" Marcel asked. Klaus and I just looked at each other. "You've shared again!" Kol shouted.

 "Ha Niklaus blood share, he'd never"

"Show what you know Marcellus if my count is right she rank form him three times." Kol informed him. "Being bonded will only help our cause, we should all get some sleep it's a long day tomorrow" Elijah said leaving the room Kol fallowing. Marcel leaned close to my ear "Drinking his blood makes you his girl sweetheart."


I sat in my bed in just my pajama pants with my sketch pad working on a landscape of the woods where Caroline and I had trained. A light knock came at my door, it was Caroline. I knew she was in the hallway but I didn't know it was to come visit me. I wooshed for the door and open it. She again was in a short night gown this time it was a dark blue.

 "Can I come in?"

 "Of course" I said opening my door more so she could enter.

"To what do I ow this late visit?" I questioned.

"It's like ten o'clock I wouldn't call that late. Oh wait for like a billion. old people go to bed really early right?" I laughed at her joke.

"I couldn't sleep with his bond pulling me, I got tired of fighting it" she confessed.

"The pull is stronger when it's your blood" I told her.

 She looked down at her feet I could feel that there was something bothering her. "What is it, love?"

 "Who's Cami?" she asked with a bit of jealously in her eyes.

"She was someone who I thought was more special then she was."

"Did you love her?"

 "No. I thought I did. I care for her more than I had anyone in 100 years but that a stopped when I found out she was also laying with Marcellus."

 "Where is she now?"

 "Dead" I answered honestly. She looked at me as if she was thinking that she could understand why I would have killed her. "I didn't do it. I wanted to at the time but I couldn't as much as I hated her I still cared enough to keep her alive."

 "Was she a human?"

 "Yes. Can we please stop talking about it?" I asked getting a little annoyed.

She reached over and placed her hand on mine. "It weird how much in common we are. Betrayed by the only people we let in, daddy issues" she said with a giggle. "Willing to do whatever it takes to protect those we care about" I added. We both smiled our eyes connecting, before I knew it our lips we together. I'm not sure who initiated it, our kiss grew deeper and deeper. with a whoosh Caroline and I were laying on my bed her on top leaning over me, her lips moving form mine to my neck. I pulled her away. "Caroline, we can't do this now" I said sitting up.

 "Because of the bond?"

"Not just that, we don't know what we are yet. I haven't even had the chance to take you on a proper date" I informed her feeling bit embarrassed.

"You're the first person to say no to me, not that I go around throwing myself at a bunch of people" She said removing herself form my lap.

 "It's not that I don't want you Caroline."

 "I can see that" she interrupted with a smile looking down at the tent she made out of my pants. With a smile I continued "it's because I respect you."

 "I know that, which sucks cuz it only makes me what you more" She admitting flopping on my bed. "I'm sleeping in here, if I don't I won't be able to sleep I just be in my bed wanting to be her with you."

I lay next to her "I wouldn't have it any other way." I turned out the light and laid back on the beck, she scooted next to me her head now resting on my chest. "Your more of a gentleman then I would have thought, wanting to court me and what not"

 "Well I am a billion" I joked, we laughed until we both fell asleep.

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