Chapter 45

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Caroline pov:

We stared at each other way to long for any normal couple. I got up from his lap and walked into the closet and finished getting dressed, while I was changing Nik whooshed out of the room. I was confused with what was going on so I did what I normally do in these type of situations I called my girls for a sleepover.  I entered Bekah's room "Matt your going to need to leave."

"why is everything ok?"

"Yeah I just need a girls night." he stood up kissed Bek's and said "have fun ladies" before leaving.

Bonnie,Bekah's, and Myself where sitting on Bekah's  bed having a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon. "Care is everything ok?" Bonnie wondered. "Yeah fine" I answered turning back to watch the tv. The movie paused and I looked back to both Bon and Bekah staring at we with curious eyes. "What?"

"start talking Blondie" Bonnie commanded sounding a lot like Damon. "Nik and I were having a disagreement because he is a little jealous and while this happened it pulled us into a memory of mine and we haven't talked since. I don't think we are fighting I just want to know what he is thinking." "

Care sometimes with Nik you just need to let him brood, you two are soulmate this will all work itself out." Rebekah consoled me, Bonnie shock her head in agreement.

We watched about three more movies during the last one Bekah and Bonnie fell asleep. I was laying on the end of the bed but I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. Something pulled me to Nik's studio.  I slowly turned the knob and hit the switch. I wonder over to the big leather chair. I looked around this room thinking about how everything with Klaus and I started here in this room. My eyes focused on a painting of a sun rising over the mountain, I looked closer at the sun I noticed that the center of it was a rose. A beautiful reminder that something so powerful can be so delicate. "Rosalva" came from behind me. I jump from the chair looking at Nik "what?"

"Rosalva, its Italian for rose of dawn" He informed me as he sat on the chair pulling me onto his lap. "Its beautiful Nik" I  made him aware kissing him on the check. "thank you, love" he said gleaming. " I painted it for the charity gala but" he said being interrupted by me "but what?"

"What if no body wants it?" He stated shyly. "Niklaus put it in the action someone will buy it. You'll make the orphanage so much money I promise."

"Caroline I'm sorry  I get so jealous about Enzo" he admitted. "I understand it must be difficult for you its been two years, friendships where made that make no sense to you. He and Damon and I came really good friends to me. Every night I dreampt of you, since the moment I seen you its always been you and it always will be." I confessed with tear in my eyes he held my face lovingly. "Why are you crying, love?"

"I'm just so scared that we will fail these trials and then we will be apart forever." I told him through tears. He wiped my tears away "I love you that what is important no matter the consequences I will always find a way to be with you here or on the other side I don't care." I leaned up to kiss him the next thing I know he is looking at me with wide eyes.

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