Chapter 35

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Caroline pov:

As Klaus and I drove away from the store front I decided I wanted a banana smoothie so I made him stop at the Grill. He stayed in the car while I quickly ran in. I walked to the counter "Hello Maggie I'd like a banana smoothie to go please" I asked the waitress that was behind the bar. "Getting your daily fruits? I know that kind of think is really important for a growing girl" came from Aurora. "Do you have a problem?"

"No, not really I just can't believe there is such a lack of real women around here that Niky has settled for a child."

"It must be difficult to deal with the fact that the man you care about has moved on with a younger better looking woman but just because I'm young doesn't not make me the juvenile one, you are in fact the one doing the name calling."

"You should enjoy your time with him now he will be over you as fast as you got under him."

"Not that it is any of your business but he and I have been together for almost three years now, and we haven't actually had sex yet" I informed her so she'd know that this wasn't a relationship built on sex. Before she could speak again Klaus was at my side. "Love, are you ready to go home?" I took his face in my hand and laid a big passionate kiss on his lips which he returned right away, getting lost in our moment I remember that we were in public and this was starting to get a little X rated. I broke the kiss turned to Aurora "It was nice talking to you. We should do it again" I said grabbing my smoothing and walking hand in hand with Klaus out of the Grill.

We had just pulled in the drive way "So did you enjoy making her jealous?" Klaus asked me. My face turned red and I hide behind my hands. "I'm sorry I know I gave you this lecture about being the bigger person and not even five minutes later I'm throwing our relationship in her face."

"So why did you? I know you are better than sinking to her level."

"I can't lie that her calling me a child does get to me. You are much older than I plus you've seen the world. The farthest I've ever gone is the next county other."

"Caroline, you are no child do not let the ramblings of a crazy women shake your confidence. I love you Caroline." His words made me blushed and I turned my face toward the floor and stare at my feet for a long time. "What's wrong?" he questioned forcing eye contact. "I know you love me but..."

"But what Caroline?"

"But do you want me? We haven't made love, are you afraid it will be bad?" He embraced me and whispers in my ear "Caroline, there isn't a day goes by since the day I laid eyes on you that I haven't imagine how mind blowing sex with you would be, I want you so bad sometime I can't stand, but the old Klaus would have just taken you. I wait to prove to you and myself that I am a man worthy of having your body." I don't know if it was the just the words or the fact that he was whispering them but I have never been so turned on in my life and he knew it too. He blew hot air in to my hear making me moan "trust me love when we make love it will be so amazing gods will weep" he added then whooshed out of the car and opened the door for me.

We had all just finished our family dinner and now in the parlor. Elijah and Klaus are playing chess while Kol and I are watching TV. Not that I can concentrate on the TV because I'm still all worked up from our conversation in the car and to make matters worse Klaus keep smile at me with those dimples. Well if he wants to tease me two can play at that game. I rise from the couch and start to assent on the stair case "Where are you off to?" Kol asks. "Going to have some girl talk with Bekah."

I enter her room and close the door behind me. "Hey Becks do you still have that box of lingerie that venter sent us for the boutique?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well your brother thinks it's fun to tease me so I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine." I answered mocking his smirk to the best of my ability. "Now I need to figure out a way to get it in his room without him noticing" I added. "I will set a distraction and to quickly get it in the room" She offered. After I had completed my mission we both joined Kol watching TV so Klaus wouldn't get suspicious. About an hour goes by before I decided to call it a night. "I think I'm going to turn in" I announced. "I'll be up once I finish this game" Klaus said standing and kissing my forehead.

I arrive in our room and went to the bathroom close and lock the door behind me. I change into the purple and teal baby doll lingerie that I pick from the box. I curled my hair then ran my fingers threw it a few time to make it look like sex hair. I put on some eyeliner to make my eyes pop. Just then I heard the bedroom door close. I said a little binding spell on the door so that Klaus wouldn't be able to leave the room till morning, a spell that Bonnie had taught me earlier this week. "Hey Nik" I called from in the bathroom. "Yes love" he answered. I opened the door but stayed in the bathroom. "So we are thinking about making a catalog for the boutique and Bekah and I are going to do most of the modeling and I was thinking about wearing this for one of the shoots what do you think?" I asked him stepping out from the bathroom showing him what I was wearing of lack thereof. He stared at me and took a deep breath and sat at this desk chair "How will men buy that for their ladies if I've ripped out there eyes for see mine in it?"

"So you like it?" I questioned slowly walking toward him. "Caroline, love you are making it really hard for me to be a gentlemen."

"I can see that" I said glancing down at the tent he had made in his sweat pants. "I know what you're trying to do love and it's not going to work you aren't going to break me." I straddled his lap and he immediately took both hand and lightly squeezed my butt. I lean close to him and lick his neck stopping at his ear and whispered "We shall see about that." Then I lightly nibbled on his ear and he growled with pleasure. He stood up not holding me his hand still full on my ass. He passionately kissed my lips then up me down and walked to the door.

"I'm going to sleep in my studio while you cool down a bit" he said trying to open the door a few time before looking back at me with his eyebrow raise. "Oh I was practicing my magic earlier we are bound in here together till morning" I told him as I slid in to bed. "I will sleep on the floor then." He made a little bed on the floor and lays down. "Nik" I said in a soft seductive voice. "Yes love?" "I need my strong hybrid to come keep me warm" and as I finished my sentence what I was wearing landed on the floor right next to his face.

In the blink of an eye he was standing next to the bed looking down at me. I moved over giving him room to get in the bed and right before he got in I told him "There is a no pants rule in this bed." He removed his pants reveling his enormous member and laid in the bed. I snuggled up to him really close and started kissing his neck. "Caroline we don't have to do this just because we haven't done it yet, we can wait till you're ready." I rolled on top of him and started slowing moving my hips back and forth. "Nik, for those two year you were sleeping I dreamt of you every night. I know that you are trying to be a better man for me and I appreciate it but right now what I want is for my unbelievable sexy boyfriend to take me" I said and bit his neck just a little bit. Whoosh he was now on top gently pushing himself into me and with every thrust I felt more alive. He started kissing my lips. It was just before he took me to that magnificent oblivion when he looked into my eyes and told me "Now you are mine forever."

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