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     I wonder how this man knew what Tyler was and wanted to know more about what he knew.

"Don I have to go" I told my manager.

 "Caroline if you leave you're fired" He told me as I was walking toward the door.

 "Fine I quit" I don't really need this job I only took it so I could put it on my college applications. I ran outside after the man but he was gone.

I decided to go to see Stefan, over the last year we have become great friends. Ever since Elena became a vampire all she cares about is Damon. I understand that she loves him but I don't know how she can go from one brother to another and feel no guilt for hurting the other one the better one if you ask me.

I arrive at the Salvatore boarding house and the front door is wide open. This is not unusual but I enter with caution. Since its only vampire that lives here you never know who is inside. I walk in and see a keg and a DJ setting up. It was weird because I don't remember hearing anything about a party. I see Elena and Damon in the living room putting out cups and chips so I assume Stefan is in his room.

I knock once and enter his room.

"Having a party?" I question.

 "Damon is" he answers. "But hey at least I don't have to pay for my booze tonight" he adds.

"You'll find someone else I promise." I try to console him.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be at work?" He wonders.

"Oh yeah I quit, Tyler and I got in to a little fight before my shift and he pretty much told the entire place that I was easy" I told him in a low and shameful voice.

"Really what exactly did he say?"

"Well he stood up and said Caroline you are an easy lay".

 Stefan shook his head. I know he doesn't approve of my relationship and he wasn't shy of saying to myself or Tyler. Wanting this awkward silence to end I changed the subject.

"So I've decided to use this party to find you a new lady friend."

"Care can't I just hang out with my best friend tonight?" He pleads.

"We shall see." I said and went home to get ready. When I arrive at the party the house was filled with so many people you couldn't move. I made my way to the kitchen and took a red cup filled with honestly I have no idea what is in the cup. I made my way over to Stefan who was in the corner holding up the wall for about an hour I pointed out girls and asked"what about her."

"Caroline if you don't stop we are going to play the what about him game" he threatened. I thought about it for a moment then point to the blonde girl who just walked in the door and with a giggle said "What about her?"


 "You know her?"

 "Yeah we date. Like almost a 100 years ago"

 "Oh a hot vampire ex!" I said with excitement.

She walks over to us and me being me I had to introduce myself  "Hi I'm Caroline."

"Hello I'm Rebekah. it's nice to me you" she introduces herself.

 "So you and Stefan use to date?" I ask here know already knowing the answer but hoping for some dirt on him.

"Yes we did a long time ago" she said looking at him.

 "Well if you ask me you're too pretty for him" I said noticing that Tyler had just arrived.

"Well I'm going to let you two catch up. It was nice meeting you Rebekah" and I left to go home. I did not have the strength to deal with Tyler tonight.

As I'm walking past the grill I decide to go in I didn't want to be at the party but it was too early to be home. I walk in and the place is practically empty. There was a few kids shooting pool, a couple making out in a booth and a man at the bar. As I got closer to the bar I realize that it was the man from earlier. I sat on the stool next to him. Matt was still serving the bar "Hey Care I thought you'd be at the party."

"I was but Tyler showed up so I left."

"Did you finally get over being his doormat?"  Matt sighed and then continued "I'm sorry I know this is out of line and he is my best friend but you don't deserve to be treated like that Care your to amazing." Matt decided to inform me.

"Thanks Matt but you know me I can't let go of someone I care about." I answer with a smile he nodded understandingly.

"I got some stuff to do in the back let me know if anyone needs anything" he  said walking to the back. I smile confirming his request. The moment Matt was out of sight I turn to the mystery man. "Vampire or Wolf?" I asked him.


"What? how does that happen?"

  "That's a long story, love"

 "I've got time" I said intrigued.

 "Not here" he replys.

 "Ok, let's go then" I demanded standing and grabbing my jacket. After a minute or so passes the mystery man stands pays his bill and says "I'm Klaus by the way."

Fortuitous Love (Klaroline Fanfiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now