Chapter 15

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Rebekah and I returned home around midnight. As we walked into the parlor we notices all three of her brother sitting on the couches. "Did you girls have fun?" Elijah asked looking up from his book. "Yes" we answered laughing, thinking about all we did. I went up to my room to change into comfortable clothes. I put on a pair of shorts that are too short to wear anywhere else but home, I threw on a tank top and headed back down stair to join the others. I sat on the couch in between Klaus and Rebekah.

"It's late shouldn't you be getting to sleep, having school in the morning?" Elijah asked.

"It's Friday there's no school tomorrow" I made him aware taking the remote out of Klaus's hand. He snatched it back, as did I this time giving him a look. I flicked threw a few channels before landing on Labyrinth my all-time favorite movie. We all sat in the living room watching. We are half way through the movie when a knock came at the door. "I'll get it" I offered getting up and heading toward the door.

In front of me stood Damon, Stefan and Elena. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to talk things out." I let them step in to the foyer. Looking around Damon said. "I thought their house would look different, more evil." I rolled my eyes and stared at them waiting for someone to talk.

 "Caroline I forgive you; it has come to my attention that you weren't only acting on your feelings." I glared at Stefan know it was him who told her about my blood sharing with Klaus. "Care I just don't understand why you would let yourself bond with someone like him." Elena added.

My blood started to boil. "Seriously?" I questioned.

"Yes Caroline, he's done so many evil things, please don't get mad I'm just worried about you. You shouldn't be here we can protect you." Have way through Elena pled the Mikaelsons had entered the room.

"Who's going to protect me? You? You can't even control yourself." I told her.

"Damon and Stefan" She answered.

 "DAMON? You think I would trust him to protect me?" I yelled.

"Yes why wouldn't you?" Elena asked dumbfounded.

"You want to come here at an inappropriate time telling me how the people who have shown me nothing but kindness can't protect me and want me to leave here and go stay under the protection of DAMON. Did you forget that when he first came to town he compelled me to be his walking blood bag or the fact that he compelled me to be his girlfriend since you were with his brother? That included SEX Elena. So really please tell me why I should trust him to protect me?" I heard Klaus walking fast toward them, going after Damon no doubt. I grabbed his wrist as he walked past me, he stop and stood by me. He could have easily broken my hold and attack Damon. He didn't, for me. "So how dare you come here speaking of what you do not know attacking Klaus for being his monster when you lay with one every night." I informed her. "You may leave now" I told her and walked to my room. 

I lay on the bed crying. This time there was no knock just Klaus at my bed wiping away my tears. "Caroline, you don't need to defend me" He said.

"I know, but I stand up for the people I care about" I made him aware.

"Well, thank you. Please stop crying. I'm sure you two will work it out" he said trying to make me feel better.

"It's been a long day maybe you should try and get some sleep" he said kissing me on the forehead. He walked toward the door.

"Klaus!" I said getting his attention he turned toward me.

 "Yes, love."

 "Would you stay with me? I could use a friend." He walked over to the bed. I pull up the cover and he sat, I slid close to him laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his hands around me. I started to cry. "It will all be ok Caroline, I promise." I believed him and felt safe; I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

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